Dr. Sivaranjani P.
Dr. Sivaranjani P

Obstetrics and Gynaecology
Assistant Professor
Medical Registration number:
97237 (TNMC)
OPD Timing:
Tuesday 9.00 A.m – 1.00 P.m
Academic Qualifications:
Special Clinics:
Postnatal clinic, Wednesday 2 PM to 4 PM.
Special Area of Interest:
Fetal medicine, Minimal access surgery.
- Mean arterial Pressure as a predictor of Gestational Hypertension and Pre-eclampsia.Vidhya Ravi,Sivaranjani P, Bama S Ramesh .https://jebmh.com/latest_articles/94955.
- A Comparative Study of Intra-Cervical Foley’s catheter and PGE2 Gel for Pre- Induction Cervical Ripening.A.Rajeshwari, P.Sivaranjani.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i8.53
- A Retrospective Study on Cesarean Section in Semi Urban areas IndicationA.Rajeshwari, P.Sivaranjani.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v5i11.134
- Successful outcome of giant chorioangioma. Singh Anju , Sivaranjani, Bagga Rashmi, Saha Pradip, K, Dey PranabJournal of Family Medicine and Primary Care: May2021 - Volume 10 - Issue 5 - p 2038-2040
- Cesarean Scar Pregnancy- A rare entity becoming more common- Case series. Dr.Shalini Gainder, Dr. Sivaranjani, Dr. Minakshi Rohilla, Dr.HarishBhujade. IndianJournal of Applied Research. Volume - 11 | Issue - 03 | March - 2021 |
- Management of severe Pre eclampsia in Complete Heart Block - a rare combination .Anju Singh,Sivaranjani P,Rimpi Singla,Suraj Khanal.doi.org/10.36106/ijsr
- Sarkar A, Panneer S, Vanya V, et al. (September 27, 2022) A Prospective QualityImprovement Initiative to Address the Barriers to Postpartum Tubal Ligation AmongMultiparous Women. Cureus 14(9): e29641. doi:10.7759/cureus.29641
- Sarkar A, Selvam S P, Raj A, et al. (November 20, 2022) Early Initiation ofBreastfeeding Among Adolescent Mothers: A Quality Improvement Study. Cureus14(11): e31716. doi:10.7759/cureus.31716
- Sarkar A, Panneer Selvam S, Chawla R, Jindal S, Thakur V. Addressing the highprevalence of uterine fundal pressure in low-middle income country during vaginaldelivery through a quality improvement initiative: Road to respectful maternity care.J Obstet Gynaecol Res. 2022;
- Sivaranjani P, Arora A, Suri V. Unintended pregnancies during cancer therapyrequiring pregnancy termination: Can these be avoided? Indian J Public Health2022;66:533
- A chapter on “Injectable LARC” in the book “Modern methods of contraception”published in october, 2022.
- The challenges of pregnancy with hereditary haemorrhagic telangiectasiaAvir Sarkar , Nilanchali Singh , Priyanka Sharma , Panneer Selvam Sivaranjani First published: 06 February 2023.https://doi.org/10.1111/1471-0528.17378.