Dr. Nivedita M

Dr. Nivedita
Medical Registration number: 
TNMC 76110
OPD Timing: 
Monday to Friday (9:00 am -1:00pm)
Academic Qualifications: 

MD Pediatrics, Post Graduate Diploma in Developmental Neurology

Special Clinics: 

Newborn Follow-up Clinic

Special Area of Interest: 
Newborn follow-up , Neurodevelopmental disorders , Infant and young child feeding

1. Baghel J, Keepanasseril A, Pillai AA, Mondal , Jeganathan Y, Kundra P. Prediction of adverse cardiac events in pregnant women with valvular rheumatic heart disease Heart. 2020;106:1400-1406.

2. Kohat, D., Keepanasseril, A., Chinnakali, P. et al. Neurodevelopmental Outcome of Preterm Newborns with Abnormal Umbilical Artery Doppler – A Prospective Cohort Study. Indian J Pediatr (2020). https://doi.org/10.1007/s12098-020-03547

3. Francis F, Bhat V, Mondal N, Adhisivam B, Jacob S, Dorairajan G, Harish BN. Fetal inflammatory response syndrome (FIRS) and outcome of preterm neonates - a prospective analytical study. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2019;32:488-492

4. Balachander B, Mondal N, Bhat V, Adhisivam B, Kumar M, Satheesh S, Thulasingam M. Comparison of efficacy of oral paracetamol versus ibuprofen for PDA closure in preterms - a prospective randomized clinical trial. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med.2018;29:1-6.

5. Vishnu Bhat B, Mondal N. Outcome of Extreme Preterm Babies Treated with Ventriculo-Peritoneal Shunt for Post Hemorrhagic Hydrocephalus. Indian J Pediatr. 2017 ;84:653-654

6. Gokhroo RK, AnantharajA, Bisht D, Kishor K, Plakkal N, Mondal N. A pediatric echocardiographic Z‑score nomogram for a developing country: Indian pediatric echocardiography study – The Z‑score. Annals of Pediatric Cardiology. 2018;11:109-1011.

7. Solanki R, Mondal N, Mahalakshmy T, Bhat V. Medication errors by caregivers at home in neonates discharged from the neonatal intensive care unit. Archives of Disease in Childhood Published Online First: 03 May 2017. doi: 10.1136/archdischild-2016-311877.

8. Mondal N, Niranjan Biswal N, Narayanan P. Battered Baby: A Case Repor. J Compr Ped. 2016; 7(3):e34705.

9. Gowda M, Mondal N, Ramkumar G. Fetal Germinal Matrix Hemorrhage: Prenatal Diagnosis and Management. J Fetal Med. 2016;3:171-4.

10. Gokhroo RK, Anantharaj A, Bisht D, Kishor K, Plakkal N, Aghoram R, Mondal N, Pandey SK, Roy R. A pediatric echocardiographic Z-score nomogram for a developing country: Indian pediatric echocardiography study - The Z-score. Ann PediatrCardiol. 2017;10:31-38

11. Mondal N , Bhat BV,Plakkal N ,Thulasingam M, Ajayan P and Poorna DR. Prevalence and risk factors of speech and language delay in children less than 3 years of age. J Compr Ped. 2016;7 :e33173

12. Newton B, Bhat BV, Dhas BB, Mondal N, Gopalakrishna SM. Effect of zinc supplementation on early outcome of neonatal sepsis - a randomized controlled trial. Indian J Pediatr.2016;83:289–293

13. Mondal NSharma SBalachander BVaishnav DPlakkal N Bhat BV. Neonatal sepsis presenting as pyocele. Indian J Pediatr. 2016;83:862-3.

14. Bharadwaj SKMondal NBalachander BBhat BV. Negative urine Benedict's test in a child with galactosemia: a diagnostic challenge. Indian J Pediatr.2015;82:765-6.

Chapters in books

1. Mondal N. Follow up of cooled babies. In: NNF manual on therapeutic hypothermia for perinatal asphyxia. 2017.p.79-90.

2. 2.GT Deepak, Mondal N. Developmentally supportive care. In: NICU protocols of JIPMER. New Delhi. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2020.68-74.

3. Aggarwal R, Mondal N. NICU admission and discharge. In: NICU protocols of JIPMER.New Delhi. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2020.87-89.

4. Aggarwal R, Mondal N. Discharge planning of the high risk neonate. In: NICU protocols of JIPMER.New Delhi. Indian Journal of Pediatrics. 2020.90-94

Positions Held: 

Additional Professor Neonatology
