Dr Abhinya Reddy
Dr. Reddy Abhinaya P
Associate Professor
Medical Registration number:
OPD Timing:
Academic Qualifications:
MBBS, MS (General Surgery.)
Special Area of Interest:
Minimally invasive surgery, Vascular surgery
- Talukder S, Gupta A, Singh BN, Kaman L, Reddy PA. Fistulating Richter’s Hernia of Groin with Necrotizing Soft Tissue Infection: A Lethal Combination. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research: JCDR. 2017 Jul;11(7): PD05.
- Pandey A, Reddy A, Singh H, Gorsi U, Savlania A. Infected double graft explantation in graft enteric erosion. Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2018 Jul 1;5(3):195.
- Savlania A, Reddy A, Pandey A. Stent Endarterectomy and patch closure of occluded infrarenal aortic bare metal stent for critical limb ischemia. Indian Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2019 Jan 1;6(1):47.
- Thakur U, Savlania A, Sahu SK, Reddy A. Image Diagnosis: Classic External Jugular Vein Aneurysm. The Permanente Journal. 2019;23.
- Pandey A, Reddy A, Singh H, Savlania A. Neo-hepato-mesenteric Trunk for Chronic Mesenteric Ischaemia and Ischaemic Hepatic Dysfunction. Indian Journal of Surgery. 2019 Aug 1;81(4):400-2.
- Yashwashi T, Kaman L, Kajal K, Dahiya D, Gupta A, Meena SC, Singh K, Reddy A. Effects of low-and high-pressure carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum on intracranial pressure during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. Surgical Endoscopy. 2019 Oct 15:1-5.
- Abhinaya R, Muniswamy S, Savlania A, Thakur UK, Krishna R, Sadhasivan L. LEA 39. Surgical Management of Complex Femoral Artery Pseudoaneurysms in the Era of a Minimally Invasive Intervention. Journal of Vascular Surgery. 2019 Nov 1;70(5): e131.
- Sandeep M, Savlania A, Thakur UK, Sadhasivan L, Reddy A, Pandey A. Factors Affecting Management and Limb Salvage in Upper Limb Vascular Trauma–A Prospective Study of 52 Cases in a Tertiary Care Centre. European Journal of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2019 Dec 1;58(6):e633.
- Reddy A, Savlania A, Naik A, Rastogi P, Gorsi U. Deep venous thrombosis manifestation of common femoral vein leiomyoma. The Annals of The Royal College of Surgeons of England. 2020 Apr (0): e1-4.
- Muniswamy S, Reddy A, Pandey A, Thakur UK, Savlania A. Left-sided inferior vena cava: an intraoperative challenge during aortobifemoral bypass for juxtarenal aortoiliac occlusion. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020 Jun 19.
- Dutta S, Sowmiya SV, Chapa UK, Jain A, Reddy A. Pancreatic divisum with chronic pancreatitis of the ventral pancreas. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2020 Jul 10.
- Verma S, Vaka SK, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Inadvertent Bowel Injury Following Repeated Suprapubic Catheterisation in a Patient of Post-Pelvic Radiotherapy. Cureus. 2020 Sep;12(9).
- Dutta S, Elamurugan TP, Dubashi B, Gunaseelan K, Jain A, Abhinaya R, Ramakrishnaiah VP. 147 Pancreatoduodenectomies: a Single Center’s Perspective into the Epidemiology and Surgical Outcomes of Periampullary and Pancreatic Cancers in South India. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer. 2020 Oct 14:1-1.
- Dutta S, Chapa UK, Ansari MI, Vaka S, Jain A, Abhinaya R, Nagarajan K, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Arterio-Hepatic Venous Fistula Following Liver Biopsy: A Rare Case Report and Literature Review. Vascular and endovascular surgery. 2021 Feb;55(2):177-82.
- Dutta S, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Anomalous Pancreaticobiliary Duct Junction in an Unusual Case of Synchronous Gallbladder and Bile Duct Malignancy. Cureus. 2021 Feb;13(2).
- Dutta S, Gaur NK, Reddy A, Jain A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Antegrade Jejunojejunal Intussusception: An Unusual Complication Following Feeding Jejunostomy. Cureus. 2021 Feb;13(2).
- Dutta S, Upadhyay P, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VPN. Intraductal Papillary Neoplasm of the Bile Duct: A Rare Case of Intrahepatic Space-Occupying Lesion. Cureus. 2021 Feb;13(2).
- Subramaniyan S, Dutta S, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Swiss Cheese Loin: A Rare Initial Presentation of Pott’s Spine. Cureus. 2021 Mar;13(3).
- Vemulakonda SH, Dutta S, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Strangulated Epigastric Hernia: A Rare Occurrence. Cureus. 2021 Mar 22;13(3).
- Chapa UK, Dutta S, Abhinaya R, Jain A, Kalyanasundaram A, Munuswamy H, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Giant Celiac Artery Pseudoaneurysm in a Case of Chronic Pancreatitis: A Rare Case Report with Literature Review. Vascular and Endovascular Surgery. 2021 Mar 19:15385744211002497.
- Ramavath K, Lal SB, Behera A, Kaman L, Dahiya D, Tandup C, Singh K, Abhinay R, Ganesan D, Venkatesh V. Necrotizing Enterocolitis Following Pediatric Living Donor Liver Transplant. Experimental and Clinical Transplantation: Official Journal of the Middle East Society for Organ Transplantation. 2021 Mar 16.
- Chapa UK, Dutta S, Remesh AM, Jain A, Abhinaya R, Ramakrishnaiah VP. A Rare Case of Dorsal Agenesis of Pancreas, Choledochal Cyst, and Hirschsprung Disease in a Young Patient. ACG Case Reports Journal. 2021 Apr;8(4).
- Pal B, Dutta S, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Perforated Blind Pouch: An Unusual Late Complication Following Lateral Anastomosis After a Right Hemicolectomy. Cureus. 2021 May;13(5).
- Vemulakonda SH, Sulthana R, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Gastric Carcinoma: An Unexpected Complication of Loop Gastro-Jejunostomy Done in Childhood. Cureus. 2021 Jun 24;13(6).
- Dutta S, Jain A, Abhinaya R, Srinivas BH, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Congenital hepatic fibrosis with novel mutations in PKD1 gene masquerading as early cryptogenic cirrhosis: a rare case report. Egyptian Liver Journal. 2021 Dec;11(1):1-5.
- Pal B, Thirupathaiah K, Badhe BA, Ramakrishnaiah VP, Dutta S, Reddy A, Jain A. Co-infection of intestinal tuberculosis and mucormycosis in a patient with Down syndrome: a unique case report with literature review. BMJ Case Reports CP. 2021 Nov 1;14(11): e244903.
- Vemulakonda SH, Jain A, Reddy A, Ramakrishnaiah VP. A Rare Case of Spontaneous Splenic Rupture as the Index Presentation of Chronic Myeloid Leukemia. Cureus. 2021 Nov 16;13(11).
- Gaur NK, Shaikh O, Reddy A, Kumbhar U. Left Gastric Artery Pseudoaneurysm Due to Pancreatitis. Cureus. 2021 Dec 14;13(12).
- Dutta S, Tajudeen M, Vaka SR, Jain A, Reddy A, Srinivas BH, Ramakrishnaiah VP. Solitary lower limb cutaneous metastasis in a case of esophageal adenocarcinoma: a rare presentation. InInternational Cancer Conference Journal 2022 Jan 6 (pp. 1-5). Springer Singapore.
Book chapter:
- Savlania A, Reddy A. Radiological Interventions in Vascular Malformations. InVascular Malformations 2021 (pp. 209-226). Springer, Singapore.