Important Information

PG Research Monitoring Committee (PGMRC)

  1. The PG Research Monitoring Committee (PGMRC) will meet once during every academic session to discuss the proposals of students who join      during that academic session, and subsequent periodic review meetings will be held as per the needs.
  2. The PG research proposals can be submitted to PGMRC as per the circular.

Instructions for submission

  1. Two hard copies to be submitted to the office of the PGMRC, desk number 8, Dean Research office, Administrative Block. (Font size 11 of Times New Roman, 1.5 spacing, printed back to back on A4 size paper with page numbering).  Research proposals deviating from the format will not be accepted. No subsequent change should be made in the proposal (such as title, sample size, parameters to be recorded etc.) after submission.
  2. One soft copy of the proposal should be uploaded in JIPMER OPMS (under committee code-select-PGRMC-Postgraduate Research Monitoring Committee-“Upload Project” and then “Submit Project”
  3. One soft copy of the proposal should be sent by e-mail to submission[dot]pgrmcjipmer[at]gmail[dot]com
  4. Submission of soft copy on a CD is not necessary.

(For clarification regarding OPMS submission- contact Mr. Kundan/Mr.Pallapaa, in Dean Research Office-phone no. 6106 on JIPMER Intercom)

research committe
S. No. Title Downloads Date
1 Last date for submission PG dissertation proposal- Dean research office circular Download (1.22 MB) pdf 06/05/2016
2 PGRMC Circular — Submission of PG dissertation Proposal Download (569.74 KB) pdf 14/03/2016