- All thesis / dissertations /project work done in JIPMER as a part of MD / MS / Ph.D. / M.Sc. / DM / MCh courses and student projects must be submitted to Plagiarism Checking Committee (PCC) for approval and the certificate must be enclosed in the same at the time of submission.
- Thesis / dissertations must be submitted to (PCC) at least one month ahead of the date of submission for all courses
- The contents of the submitted manuscript must be the final version and no further modifications will be permitted in the same without prior approval of the member secretary of PCC.
- The “PCC Manuscript Submission Proforma” is to be used for preparing the document for submission with strict adherence to the guidelines (can be downloaded from “Online entry of candidate details, proforma for submissionn and declaration forms”)
- The submission document should not have images, data tables or bibliography. However, tables with text content must be included in the submission
- The submission must include the “Copyright declaration form” (can be downloaded from “Online entry of candidate details, proforma for submissionn and declaration forms”). The form may be filled, printed, signed and scanned in order to attach it as a jpeg or pdf file along with manuscript submission.
- The submission will be processed by PCC and intimation will be sent through email.
- For approved manuscripts, certificates will be issued by PCC to the registered email of the candidate
- For manuscripts that need revision, the report of iThenticate will be sent through email.
- Resubmission process must be done using the same procedure as a new submission. However it must be made clear that it is a resubmission in the name of the file submitted.