JIPMER Scientific Society in association with the Department of Pediatrics is organizing a Guest Lecture.

Dear all,

Greetings from JSS Executive Committee!

JIPMER Scientific Society in association with the Department of Pediatrics is organizing a Guest Lecture.

“ATCG (adenine thymine cytosine guanine) – every letter ACcounTsG – clinical and future aspects of genetics in medicine”

By Dr. Ashwin Dalal

On January 21, 2020, 3.15 pm

At SSB Conference hall, JIPMER

Dr Ashwin Dalal is founding member and past Secretary of Society for Indian Academy of Medical Genetics.

He joined the Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics, Hyderabad, India as Head of Diagnostics Division in April 2007. He has published more than 100 papers in National and International journals. He has completed six extramural research projects from various funding agencies like DBT, ICMR, DST and his research interests include delineation of dysmorphic syndromes, mapping of genes for single gene disorders and molecular analysis of genetic diseases.

Please find attached brief CV of Dr. Ashwin Dalal for your reference.

click here

Warm regards,

Dr Subathra Adithan,

Secretary, JSS