About Us
JIPMER Registered Nurses Association (JRNA) is a professional association that works for the welfare and upliftment of nurses belonging to all cadres at JIPMER. JRNA was known as JIPMER Staff Nurses Welfare Association till 19/08/2019. The new body of JRNA came into power on 22/10/2019 with 25 elected executives with a work span of 3 years. The association is affiliated with All India Government Nurses Federation, New Delhi under the register number 565/2007. The executives include President, Vice president, General Secretary, Assistant Secretary, 2 Joint Secretaries, Treasurer, 2 Joint Treasurers and 16 Block Executives.
Our Mission
- Empower the nurses of JIPMER by creating a nationwide acceptance
- Strengthen the association by protecting the privileges of nurses
- Prioritizing quality patient care
Our Vision
A sovereign authority to foster the nursing community of JIPMER
To be a recognized professional association that actively participates and stewards the needs and privileges of JIPMER nurses.