Clinical Services

Parents can walk in any Monday- Saturday by 9 am to take a consultation.
For children < 12 years: Paediatric OP 165 at WCH.
For children 12-18 years: Psychiatry OP 74 at hospital block

What to expect:

Child Guidance Clinic (For children <12 years)

  1. Every child presenting with behavioural or emotional disturabance is referred to the designated paediaric resident in op 165.
  2. Detailed and structured assessment is completed.
  3. The case history is discussed in the child psychiatry forum on a scheduled wednesday and management is planned by a team of paediatricians and child psychiatrist after detailed clarification.
  4. Referral to speech and language pathologist and occupational therapist and other medical specialities is planned as per needs of the individual child
  5. Follow up clinic is held on Thursday; time: 2pm
  6. Special integrated follow up clinic for Autism is held every 1st Thursday. Parents can consult paediatrician, child psychiatrist, psychiatric social worker, speech pathologist and occupational therapist in the same clinic to review progress
  7. This clinic also offers a group audio-video session on parent delivered interventions for autism.


Child Guidance Clinic (For children >12 years)

  1. Adolescent presenting with behavioural and emotional problems are assessed under department of psychiatry, op 74.
  2. Detailed assessment on appointment basis is planned on monday to plan comprehensive management.
  3. Follow up for therapy and counseling is planned on Saturday, 9-11 am
  4. Children and adolescents with acute behavioural disturbance are provided care under in-patient setting.
  5. Emergency service is available 24X7.

JIPMER child crisis counseling centre (Curie House, first floor)

  1. JIPMER also has a multi-disciplinary team to cater to the needs of children subjected to abuse.
  2. ‘Abuse is not the child’s fault’ and we focus on planning healing interventions and family counseling apart from the medico-legal interventions.
  3. The centre has a play therapy unit to provide therapy for young children.
  4. We understand that prevention of such events should be the primary aim and we focus on empowering children with personal safety concepts.