Dr. Vikram Kate
Dr. Vikram Kate

Professor (Senior Scale)
Medical Registration number:
OPD Timing:
Tuesday – 8- 4 PM
Academic Qualifications:
MS, FRCS (Eng.), FRCS (Ed.), FRCS(Glasg.), Ph.D. (Surg. Gastro.), MAMS, MASCRS, FACS, FACG, FFST(Ed.)
Special Clinics:
Upper GI clinic on Tuesdays
Special Area of Interest:
- GI, H. pylori infection, Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS), Upper GI, Scientific Writing.
- Edited a book on Writing and Publishing a Scientific Research Paper published by Springer Nature. (2017)
- Edited a book on Thesis Writing for Master's and Ph.D. Program published by Springer Nature. (2019)
- Vikram Kate. Book Review: Sanjiv Haribhakti (ed): Surgical Gastroenterology. 3rd Edition, Paras Medical Publisher, 2019. Indian Journal of Surgery 2020; 82:756-57.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori and its role in the upper gastrointestinal tract disorders. In: Gupta RL, ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 6. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 1997:168- 189.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Stomach and duodenum: Miscellaneous benign diseases. In: Hai AA, Shrivastava RB, eds. The Association of Surgeons of India: Textbook of Surgery. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003: 408-411.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Stomach and duodenum: Complications of gastric surgery. In: Hai AA, Shrivastava RB, eds. The Association of Surgeons of India: Textbook of Surgery. New Delhi: Tata McGraw-Hill, 2003: 412-415.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Truncal vagotomy with drainage or with antrectomy in the management of peptic ulcer. In: Sharma D, ed. Debates in Gastrointestinal Surgery. Jabalpur: Banarsidas Bhanot, 1998: 53-62.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori; The current perspectives. In: Chattopadhyay TK, ed. G.I. Surgery Annual, Vol 5. New Delhi: Byword, 1998: 1-20.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Surgical treatment of ascites- current perspectives. In: Gupta RL ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 7. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2000: 65- 80.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Operative flexible fiberoptic choledochoscopy in biliary tract disorders. In: Chattopadhyay TK, ed G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 6. New Delhi: Byword, 1999: 53-62.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Complications of gastro-duodenal surgery. In: Chattopadhyay TK (Ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 7. New Delhi: Byword, 2000: 22-41.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Rajanikanth PV. Adhésive intestinal obstruction- Curent perspectives. In: Gupta RL ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 8. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2002: 214-24.
- Mahalakshmi VN, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Preoperative nutritional assessment of the surgical patient – Methods and relevance. In: Gupta RL ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 9. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2004: 131-39.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Palliation in carcinoma of the pancreas. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 10. New Delhi: Byword, 2003: 131-145.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Sentinel lymph node in gastrointestinal cancer. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 11. New Delhi: Byword, 2004: 124-131.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Ashitha C Bose. Helicobacter pylori and peptic ulcer disease. In: Ravi Kant (ed) Oncology and Surgery. New Delhi: Dept. of Surgery, MAMC, 2005: 424-35.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Parthasarathy G. Mid-colon oesophagocoloplasty for corrosive oesophageal stricture. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 12 (Supplement). New Delhi: Byword, 2004: 14-19.
- Vivek Babu, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Non-ulcer dyspepsia: Current concepts in diagnosis and management. In: Gupta RL Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 10. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2006: 226-36.
- Shankar Raman, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Venous ulcers: Current perspectives. In: Gupta RL Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 10. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2006: 301-19.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Corrosive injuries and strictures. In: Haribhakti S (Ed) Clinical G.I. Surgery Vol I. Ahmedabad: Haribhakti Education Foundation, 2008: 230-37.
- Vikram Kate, SivaRam G, Ananthakrishnan N. Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding: Current concept in management. In: Gupta RL Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 11. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2009:262-277.
- Vikram Kate. Intestinal Obstruction. In: David, Brown, Nelson, Banerjee, Anantharaman, (Eds.) Textbook of Emergency Medicine. Vol 1/2. Delhi: Wolters Kluwer Health, 2012.
- Parthasarathy S, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Progress in the early diagnosis of carcinoma of the stomach. In: Gupta RL Ed. Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 12. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2010: 252-66.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate. Female sex hormones and esophageal cancer.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Nanda Kishore Maroju, Vikram Kate. Polyps of the gastrointestinal tract. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 17. New Delhi: Byword, 2010: 10-35.
- Nanda Kishore Maroju, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. An overview of the Indian perspective on palliative care with particular reference to nutrition and diet. In: Preedy VR (Ed.) Diet and Nutrition in Palliative Care. New York: Taylor & Francis, 2011: 133 - 43.
- Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Deep vein thrombosis following major abdominal surgery: prevention and management. In: Yadava OP (ed) ECAB Clinical Update – Deep vein thrombosis: A multispecialty approach. New Delhi: Elsevier, 2010: 97-128.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Lakshmi CP, Ranjit Vijayhari. Helicobacter pylori associated diseases. In: IASG Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology.
- Nanda Kishore Maroju, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Carcinoma stomach – the standard of care today. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 19. New Delhi: Byword, 2012:143-161.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Elamurugan TP, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgery for peptic ulcer disease. In: Mishra PK (ed.) Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2016: 283- 299.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate. Corrosive injury of esophagus and stomach. In: Mishra PK (ed.) Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2016: 194 - 206.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Suresh Kumar S. Peptic ulcer disease. In: Surgery Update-PG CME 2017. Madurai: Madurai Medical College, 2017: 98-109.
- Vikram Kate, Mohsina Subair, S. Suresh Kumar, Kundra P. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery pathway for gastrointestinal surgery. In: Santhosh John Abraham, Arvind Kumar (eds.) Contemporary Surgery. Volume I, Bangalore: Micro Labs Limited, 2016: 185-212.
- Parija SC, Vikram Kate. Why write a research scientific paper? In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Writing and publishing a scientific research paper. Singapore: Springer, 2017: 3-8.
- Vikram Kate, S. Suresh Kumar, Mohsina Subair. Abstract and key words. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Writing and publishing a scientific research paper. Singapore: Springer, 2017: 27-37.
- Parija SC, Vikram Kate, Madhuri Parija. Choosing a journal for paper submission and methods of submission. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Writing and publishing a scientific research paper. Singapore: Springer, 2017: 109-122.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R. Revision of an article and how to deal with the rejected manuscript. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Writing and publishing a scientific research paper. Singapore: Springer, 2017: 123-32.
- Vikram Kate, Mohsina Subair, Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery: Applicability and results for Abdominal Surgery and impediments for universal usage. In: Chattopadhyay TK (ed) G.I. Surgery Annual Vol 24. New Delhi: Springer, 2018:153-76.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Kalayarasan R, Mohsina Subair, Vikram Kate. Duodenal ulcer and its complications in the post Helicobacter pylori era. In: Puneet ed. Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 15. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2018:86-107.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Mohsina Subair, Ananthakrishnan N. How to Write and Publish a Research Paper. In: Haribhakti S (Ed) Surgical Gastroenterology 3rd Edn. Hyderabad: Paras Medical Publishers, 2020:1880-89.
- Vikram Kate, S. Suresh Kumar, Mahalakshmy T, Mohsina Subair. Biostatistics for Surgeons. In: Haribhakti S (Ed) Surgical Gastroenterology 3rd Edn. Hyderabad: Paras Medical Publishers, 2020:1865-1879.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Suresh Kumar S, Rai S, Ananthakrishnan N. Management of colon cancer-Changing trends, Recent Advances and Current Practices. In: Puneet ed. Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 16. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2019: 62-88.
- Parija SC, Vikram Kate. Thesis, Dissertation and Project. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Thesis Writing for Master’s and Ph.D. Program. Singapore: Springer, 2018: 3-10.
- Vikram Kate, S. Suresh Kumar, Mohsina Subair. Plan and conduct of research: Observational and interventional study designs. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Thesis Writing for Master’s and Ph.D. Program. Singapore: Springer, 2018: 67-82.
- Vikram Kate, S. Suresh Kumar, Akhila Kavirayani. Preparing manuscript from thesis material and selecting journals for submission. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Thesis Writing for Master’s and Ph.D. Program. Singapore: Springer, 2018: 217-230.
- Vikram Kate, Nina V. Kate, Mohsina Subair. Writing thesis for speciality courses in medicine. In: Parija SC, Kate V (eds.) Thesis Writing for Master’s and Ph.D. Program. Singapore: Springer, 2018: 241-252.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N. Dysphagia six weeks following accidental corrosive ingestion. In: Savio George Barreto, Shailesh V. Shrikhande (eds.) Dilemmas in Abdominal Surgery: A Case-Based Approach. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis, 2021: 15-18.
- Suresh Kumar S, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Antibiotics and abdominal surgery – Current Guidelines and practices. In: Puneet ed. Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 17. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, 2021; 137-158.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Corrosive injuries and strictures. In: Haribhakti S (Ed) Surgical Gastroenterology. Hyderabad: Paras Medical Publishers, 2020: 538-42.
- Kalayarasan R, Suresh Kumar S, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Acute appendicitis: Review of recent evidence regarding role of various scoring systems, investigations, and management options. In: Puneet ed. Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery, Vol 18. New Delhi: Jaypee Brothers, ………...
- Gurushankari B, Sejal Jain, S Suresh Kumar, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori and the Surgeon. In: Santhosh John Abraham, Arvind Kumar (eds.) Contemporary Surgery. Volume I, Bangalore: Micro Labs Limited, 2020………….
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R. Biliary Parasitic Disease. In: Dennison A, Maddern G, and Fan J (Eds) Bailey & Love’s Essential Operations in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery. London: CRC/ Taylor & Francis, 2022
- Vikram Kate, Divya Gupta, Gurushankari B. Writing a Grant Proposal for a Single Centre Study: step-by-step approach. In: Parija SC, Kate V (editors) Grant Writing for Medical and Health Care Professionals. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022….
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Suresh Kumar S. What is a grant? How to prepare for writing a grant proposal application. In: Parija SC, Kate V (editors) Grant Writing for Medical and Health Care Professionals. Singapore: Springer Nature, 2022….
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori- Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment. The Antiseptic. 1998; 96(2): 68-71.
- Ravi M, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Endoscopic treatment of esophageal varices. The Antiseptic. 2002; 99: 189-92.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Treatment of Helicobacter pylori infection- a review. Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2001; 33: 410-16.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Corrosive injuries of the esophagus – An approach. Surgical Journal of North India 2005; 21: 1-3.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Surgical management of common diseases of thyroid. Journal of Postgraduate Medical Education, Training & Research 2006; 1: 48-54.
- Lakshmi CP, Ranjit Vijayahari, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N.A hospital-based epidemiological study of corrosive alimentary injuries with particular reference to the Indian experience. National Medical Journal of India2013; 26: 31-36.
- Bhavana B Rao, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Venous thromboembolism in cancer patients undergoing major abdominal surgery: prevention and management. ISRN Vascular Medicine 2012; Article ID 783214: doi:10.5402/2012/783214.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Tovey FI. Is Helicobacter pylori infection the primary cause of duodenal ulceration or a secondary factor? A review of the evidence. Gastroenterology Research and Practice Vol. 2013, Article ID 425840 2013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/425840.
- Vikram Kate, Maroju NK, Ananthakrishnan N. Helicobacter pylori infection and upper gastrointestinal disorders. Gastroenterology Research and Practice Volume 2013, Article ID 8962092013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/896209 (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N. Sequential therapy versus standard triple-therapy for Helicobacter pylori eradication: a systematic review of recent evidence. Drugs 2013; 73: 815-24.doi 10.1007/s40265-013-0053-z.
- Mohsina S, Muthusami A, Gomathi S, Suresh Kumar S, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori eradication in complicated peptic ulcer: Beneficial in most? International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2016; 3: 58-67.
- Vikram Kate, Kadhiravan T. IJAMHR: Looking ahead. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2017; 4: 1. (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Mohsina S. Ananthakrishnan N. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery for gastrointestinal surgery: Quo Vadimus? International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2017; 4: 45-6. (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R. Cutting to Cure to Cutting Down the Incision: From Kindest Cut to Virtually No Cut. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2018; 5: 41-2. (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Sejal Jain, A.R. Pranavi, Sathasivam Suresh Kumar. Writing a scientific paper. AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) Newsletter 2019; June: 7-21.
- Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Corrosive ingestion. Indian Journal of Critical Care Medicine 2019; 23 (Suppl 4): S282-86. (Review)
- Gurushankari B, Kanchan B, Kalayarasan R, Sureshkumar S, Kundra P, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Emerging concepts in ERAS: potential functional adaptations to existing principles. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2020; 7:50-60.
- Vikram Kate, Pranavi AR, Sureshkumar S. Scientific writing for residents – A dialogue across the divide. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2020; 7:39-41 (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Sejal Jain, Gurushankari B, Anandhi A, Sathasivam Suresh Kumar. Case report: How to write your manuscript? AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) Newsletter 2021; January: 24-31.
- Vikram Kate, Divya Gupta, Gurushankari B. Retrospective Case Series: How to write your manuscript? AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) Newsletter 2021; May: 13-21.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Gurushankari B, Ananthakrishnan N. Helicobacter pylori infection -- Diagnosis and management. Elsevier-India Point of Care; 2021:
- Vikram Kate, Gurushankari B, Kanchan B, Rijuta A, Sathasivam Suresh Kumar. Randomized Controlled Trial: How to write your manuscript? Part 1 of 2. AMASI (Association of Minimal Access Surgeons of India) Newsletter 2021; October: 22-32.
- Gurushankari B, Sathasivam Suresh Kumar, Basu D, Vikram Kate. Role of biomarkers, scoring systems and platelet indices in the diagnosis of acute appendicitis - Evidence based approach. Journal of Indian Medical Association 2021; 119; 55-62.
- Vikram Kate, Sureshkumar S, Gurushankari B, Kalayarasan R. Acute upper non-variceal and lower gastrointestinal bleeding. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery.
- Vikram Kate, Menon V. New beginnings and new challenge. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2021; 8:39-40 (Editorial)
- Vikram Kate, Srinivasan K, Jayanthi S, Ananthakrishnan N. Tuberculous appendicitis with perforation- A case report. Indian Journal of Surgery. 1993; 55: 316 – 317.
- Shivam NS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Early results of the Smead-Jones technique of closure of vertical midline incisions for emergency laparotomies. Bulletin of JIPMER 1993; 12: 48.
- Shivam NS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Parija SC, Ratnakar C. Occult filariasis of the spleen- a case report. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 1994; 12: 197-98.
- Shivam NS, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Daniela C. Hydrocele abdominoscrotale- diagnostic par echographic. Abstract and commentary published in “Literature ultra sonorae produit par echobase”. 1995; 4: 59.
- Shivam NS, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Abdominoscrotal hydrocele- diagnosis by sonography. Journal of Clinical ultrasound. 1995; 23: 211.
- Shivam NS, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Gastrojejunocolic fistula following peptic ulcer surgery. The JIPMER experience. Bulletin of JIPMER 1994; 13: 37-45.
- Ravikumar KH, Vikram Kate, Sharma AK, Ananthakrishnan N. Splenic abscess- a rare complication of typhoid fever. Bulletin of JIPMER 1994; 13: 75.
- Ravikumar KH, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Sharma AK, Kanungo R, Badrinath Splenic abscess due to Salmonella infection. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 1996; 14(2): 109-11.
- Shivam NS, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Smile SR, Jagdish S, Srinivasan K. Partial cholecystectomy in elective and emergency gall bladder surgery in high risk patients- A viable and safe option in the era of laparoscopic surgery. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1996; 17(1): 49-52.
- Shivam NS, Vikram Kate, Suresh S, Hadke NS, Ananthakrishnan N. Results of Smead-Jones technique of closure of vertical midline incisions for emergency laparotomies- prospective study of 403 patients. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1995; 16: 62-67.
- Shivam NS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Appendicular diverticulitis leading to mucocele of the appendix- a case report. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1997; 18(1): 36-37.
- Sevvel S, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Role of histamine-2 receptor antagonist after simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer- a randomized controlled double-blind study. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1996; 17: 227-229.
- Shivam NS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Gastrojejunocolic fistula following peptic ulcer surgery. The JIPMER experience. Indian Journal of Surgery. 1997; 59(20: 21-28.
- Shivam NS, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Smile SR, Jagdish S, Srinivasan K. Partial cholecystectomy in elective and emergency gall bladder surgery in the high-risk patients. A viable and safe option in the era of laparoscopic surgery. Bulletin of JIPMER. 1995; 14; 66-70.
- Kumarkrishnan S, Srinivasan K, Adithan C, Sahai A, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. A trial of various regimens of antibiotics in acute appendicitis. Bulletin of JIPMER. 1995; 14: 43-50.
- Jones VS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Amarnath SK, Ratnakar C. Standardization of urease test for the detection of Helicobacter pylori. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology. 1997; 15(4); 181-83.
- Kumarkrishnan S, Srinivasan K, Adithan C, Sahai A, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. A trial of various regimens of antibiotics in acute appendicitis. Tropical Gastroenterology. 1997; 18(40; 177-79.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Ratnakar C. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the disorders of upper GI tract in South India. National Medical Journal of India. 1998; 11(1): 5-8.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Balamourougane M, Badrinath S, Ratnakar C. Helicobacter pylori infection and erosive gastritis. Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 1998; 46; 436-37.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Ratnakar C. Bleeding duodenal ulcer; Is Helicobacter pylori a risk factor? Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 1998; 17: 34-35.
- Manojkumar NS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Endoscopic sclerotherapy of bleeding esophageal varices using sodium tetradecyl sulphate. Indian Practitioner. 1998; 51; 99-105.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Amarnath SK, Ratnakar C, Badrinath S. Helicobacter pylori infection in duodenal ulcer with gastric outlet obstruction. Tropical Gastroenterology.1998; 19: 75-77.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Amarnath SK, Ratnakar C. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori infection in the disorders of upper Gastrointestinal tract in South India. Bulletin of JIPMER 2000; 14S: 9-14.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Amarnath SK, Balamourougane M Ratnakar C. Does Helicobacter pylori infection predispose to erosive gastritis? Bulletin of JIPMER 2000; 14S: 1-4.
- Binoy C, Govardhanrao Y, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Yuvaraj J, Pani SP. The role of omentoplasty in the management of filarial lymphedema. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. 1998; 92; 317-19.
- Govardhanrao Y, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Yuvaraj J, Pani SP, Krishnamurthy. Factors influencing response to lymphonodovenous shunt (LNVS) in filarial lymphedema. National Medical Journal of India. 1999; 12(2): 55-58.
- Jones VS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Ratnakar C. What happens to Helicobacter pylori after truncal vagotomy and drainage for stenosed duodenal ulcer? Tropical Gastroenterology 1999; 20(1): 50-52.
- Sevvel S, Vikram Kate, Ratnakar c, Ananthakrishnan N. Tuberculosis gastric ulcer presenting as hematemesis- A case report. Indian Journal of Tuberculosis 1999; 46; 271-72.
- Rajan KV, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Elangovan S. Role of operative flexible choledochoscopy in calculous biliary tract diseases in the absence of ERCP. Tropical Gastroenterology 2000; 21(2): 80-83.
- Ravi M, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Prospective randomized comparison of sodium tetradecyl sulphate and polidocanol for esophageal variceal sclerotherapy. Indian Journal of Medical Research. 2001; 113: 228-33.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Ratnakar C, Badrinath S. A comparison of the seroprevalence rate of Helicobacter pylori infection in asymptomatic adults and children from south India. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2001; 19(2): 73-78.
- Sevvel S, Vikram Kate, Jayanthi S, Ananthakrishnan N. Malignant small round cell tumour in thoraco-pulmonary region- a case report. The Antiseptic 2001; 98(4): 142-43.
- Asthana S, Vikram Kate, Ratnakar C, Srinivasan K, Jagdish S, Smile SR, Ananthakrishnan N. Deep lobe parotid tumours. A clinical profile. Indian Practitioner 2000; 53(6): 388-91.
- Bangi AK, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S, Ratnakar C. Redistribution of gastric Helicobacter pylori after surgery for duodenal ulcer. Tropical Gastroenterology 2001; 22: 44-46.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S. Can fall in anti-H. pylori IgG titres indicate eradication? Journal of Association of Physicians of India. 2002; 50: 689-91.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Helicobacter pylori and gastric carcinoma: evidence for the link (Letter) National Medical Journal of India. 2000; 13(6): 329.
- Manjula Y, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Effect of sequential pneumatic compression therapy (SPIC) in patients with post-malignancy lymphedema. (PML) Indian Practitioner 2001; 54(8): 545-548.
- Manjula Y, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Objective evaluation of sequential intermittent compression therapy (SPIC) for morbidity management in filarial lymphedema (FL). National Medical Journal of India. 2002; 15: 192-4.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S. Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on the ulcer recurrence rate after simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer: retrospective and prospective randomized controlled studies. British Journal of Surgery 2001; 88: 1054-58.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Problem based seminar for Undergraduates- a supplement to conventional teaching methods. Bulletin of NTTC, JIPMER. 2000; 8(1): 10-11.
- Balamourougane P, Kundargi VS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Drug therapy for H. pylori- are nitroimidazoles useful in Indian patients? Indian Journal of Pharmacology. 2002; 34: 111-14.
- Balamourougane P, Kundargi VS, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Is Helicobacter pylori eradication useful in NUD? Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2001; 20: 250-51.
- Rajanikanth PV, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Risk factors indicating need for surgery in patients with adhesive intestinal obstruction. Tropical Gastroenterology 2001; 22: 224-26.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S. Chronological change in H. pylori antibody titres after treatment and its utility in follow up. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002; 97: 1563-4.
- Mahalakshmi VN, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Sahai A, Trakroo MM. Handgrip strength and endurance as a predictor of post-operative morbidity in surgical patients. International Surgery 2004; 89: 115-121.
- Srinath C, Ananthakrishnan N, Lakshmanan S, Vikram Kate. Effect of tropical vaginal hydroceles on testicular morphology and histology. Indian Journal of Urology 2004; 20: 109-12.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Badrinath S. Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on the ulcer recurrence rate after simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer: retrospective and prospective randomized controlled studies. (Br J Surg 2001; 88:1054-8 - Letter-authors’ reply) British Journal of Surgery 2002; 89: 493-4.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Ravi M. Long term results of retroperitoneal colopexy for adult rectal procidentia. Indian Journal of Coloproctology. 2002; 17: 9-13.
- Ranjit Hari V, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Badrinath S. Can duodenal ulcer be linked to Herpes Simplex Virus infection? Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2004; 23: 5-7.
- V. Venkata Naidu CV, Vikram Kate, Koner BC, Ananthakrishnan N. Diagnostic peritoneal lavage – Is it useful decision-making process for management of the equivocal acute abdomen. Tropical Gastroenterology 2003; 24: 140-43.
- Arun P Mathew, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate. Sequential endoscopic variceal ligation (EVL) and endoscopic sclerotherapy (EST) in better than either alone for managing esophageal variceal hemorrhage. Surgical Journal of North India 2005; 21: 28-32.
- Shankar Raman R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Harish BN, Jayanthi S. Erosive gastroduodenitis is not related to Helicobacter pylori infection. Medical Science Monitor 2003; 9: CR 222-224.
- Umasankar A, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Smile SR, Jagdish S, Srinivasan K. Anterior or posterior gastro-jejunostomy with truncal vagotomy for duodenal ulcer – are they functionally different? Tropical Gastroenterology 2003; 24: 202 – 204.
- Vaishnavi Batmanabane, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with portal hypertensive gastropathy – a study from South India. Medical Science Monitor 2004; 10; CR 133-136.
- Srivengadesh G, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Evaluation of long-term results of choledochoduodenostomy for benign biliary obstruction. Tropical Gastroenterology 2003; 24: 205 – 207.
- Raman SR, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Coital paraphimosis causing penile necrosis. Emergency Medical Journal2008 ;25(7):454.
- Shankar Raman R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. A technique to prevent duodenal blowout after difficult gastrectomies. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2013; 32: 60-1.
- Ashitha C Bose, Shankar Raman R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Spontaneous antegrade enteral migration of a feeding jejunostomy tube: a case report. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2005; 24:74.
- Biswal N, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Srinivasan S, Nalini P, Mathai B. Helicobacter pylori and recurrent pain abdomen in children. Indian Journal of Pediatrics 2005; 72: 561-65.
- Sandhya B, Vivek Babu, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Krishnan R. Primary Leiomyosarcoma of the breast: a case report and review of literature. Indian Journal of Surgery 2010; 72 (Suppl 1): 286-288.
- Bose AC, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Parija SC. Effect of eradication of Helicobacter pylori by quadruple therapy for the prevention of recurrent ulcer after simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 2007; 22: 345-8.
- Sandhya B, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Bhuvaneshwari V, Koner BC. Effect of gallbladder function of truncal vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy for chronic duodenal ulcer. Tropical Gastroenterology 2005; 26: 43-47.
- Shankar Raman R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Penile gangrene- an unusual complication of paraphimosis. Bulletin of JIPMER 2005; 16: 120.
- Ashitha C Bose, Shankar Raman R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Spontaneous antegrade enteral migration of a feeding jejunostomy tube: a case report. Bulletin of JIPMER 2005; 16: 127-29.
- Ashitha C Bose, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Parija SC. Effect of eradication of Helicobacter pylori by quadruple therapy for the prevention of recurrent ulcer after simple closure of perforated duodenal ulcer. Bulletin of JIPMER 2005; 16: 1-7.
- Sandhya B, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Bhuvaneshwari V, Koner BC. Effect of gallbladder function of truncal vagotomy and gastrojejunostomy for chronic duodenal ulcer. Bulletin of JIPMER 2005; 16: 14-19.
- Vaishnavi Batmanabane, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Prevalence of Helicobacter pylori in patients with portal hypertensive gastropathy – a study from South India. Bulletin of JIPMER 2005; 16: 106-110.
- Vivek Babu, Vikram Kate, N. Ananthakrishnan. Role of eradication of Cag A Helicobacter pylori in non-ulcer dyspepsia. Tropical Gastroenterology 2005; 26: 211-14.
- Ashitha C Bose, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Sowmya S. Primary cutaneous malignant fibrous histiocytoma – a case report. Medical Science Monitor2006; 12(7): CS61-63.
- Muthukumarassamy R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Necrotizing infection of the breast mimicking carcinoma. The Breast Journal 2006; 12: 266-67.
- Parthasarathy G, Ananthakrishnan N, Nanda Kishore M, Vikram Kate, Sridhar MG. Serum pepsinogen I and II levels in various gastric disorders with special reference to their use as a screening test for carcinoma stomach. Tropical Gastroenterology 2007; 28: 166-70.
- Nanda Kishore Maroju, Anbalagan P, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Improvement in dysphagia and quality of life with self-expanding metallic stents in malignant esophageal strictures. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2006; 25: 62-65.
- Muthukumarassamy R, Roy SK, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Necrotising soft tissue infection of fungal origin in tow diabetic patients. Mycoses 2006; 49: 434-35 (Letter).
- Villalan R, Maroju NK, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Is Helicobacter pylori eradication indicated in cirrhotic patients with peptic ulcer disease? Tropical Gastroenterology2006; 27: 166-8.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate. Gastric fluid level after overnight fast: Test to diagnose gastric outlet obstruction in corrosive esophageal stricture. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2006; 25:269-70.
- Kalayarasan R, Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Basu D. Estrogen and progesterone receptors in esophageal carcinoma. Diseases of Esophagus2008;21(4):298-303.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Maroju NK, Vikram Kate. Sternocleidomastoid muscle myocutaneous flap for corrosive pharyngoesophageal strictures. World Journal of Surgery 2007; 31: 1592- 96.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate. Use of spiral CT to demonstrate esophageal lumen in corrosive strictures. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2007; 26:101.
- Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Helicobacter pylori: Current status in peptic ulcer. Bulletin of JIPMER 2007; 17: 1-16.
- Nishanth S, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Does elective re-siting of intravenous cannulae reduce the incidence of peripheral venous thrombophlebitis? A prospective randomized controlled study. Bulletin of JIPMER 2007; 17: 64-69.
- Rathod KJ, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate, Jagdish S, Ananthakrishnan N, Parija SC. Role of virulent Helicobacter pylori in esophageal and esophagogastric junction adenocarcinoma. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2008; 27: 248.
- Nishanth S, SivaRam G, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N. Does elective re-siting of intravenous cannula decrease peripheral thrombophlebitis? A randomized controlled study. National Medical Journal of India 2009; 22: 60-62.
- Ganesamoni S, Vikram Kate, Sadasivan J. Epidemiology of hospitalized burn patients in a tertiary care hospital in South India. Burns2010; 36(3): 422-9.
- Mittal S, Trakroo S, Vikram Kate, Jagdish S. Evaluation of the effect of gastrointestinal bleeding on the endoscopic diagnostic tests for Helicobacter pylori infection. Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology 2011; 29: 379-82.
- Timshina DK, Pankaja SS, Rao HK, Vikram Kate. Evaluation of Helicobacter pyloriinfection and other risk factors in patients with benign peptic ulcer disease. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease2011: 50-51.
- Indu G, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate. Comparison of in-hospital morbidity in patients undergoing heriorrhaphy vs. hernioplasty for inguinal hernia. Biomedicine 2009; 29: 159-61.
- Longkumar T, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate, Ananthakrishnan N, Koner BC. Assessment of vagotomy status with postprandial urinary alkaline tide. Tropical Gastroenterology 2006; 27: 166-8.
- Venkataraman I, Rao HK, Vikram Kate, Singh P, Ilangovan S. Effect of hydrogastricsonography and spiral CT in staging of gastric carcinoma – a comparative study. Journal of Clinical Ultrasound 2010; 38: 480-5.
- Pankaja SS, Valooran GJ, Das SAP, Suvasini L, Aravind R, Vikram Kate, Kundra P. Isolated full thickness jejunal necrosis following sulphuric acid cocktail ingestion – a case report. Surgical Science 2011; 2: 338-40.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate. Chronic corrosive injuries of the stomach-a single unit experience of 109 patients over thirty years. World Journal of Surgery 2010; 34: 758-64.
- Prakash Kumar, Nanda K Maroju, Vikram Kate. Enterocutaneous Fistulas: Etiology, treatment and outcome - A study from South India. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2011; 17: 391- 395.
- Subathra A, Bhuvaneshwari V, Elangovan S, Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R. Color doppler assessment of portal hypertension due to cirrhosis and its correlation with esophageal variceal bleed. Indian Journal of Radiology & Imaging 2010; 20: 289- 93.
- Elamurugan TP, Agrawal A, Dinesh R, Aravind R, Naskar D, Vikram Kate, Reddy R,Sujindra E, Siddharaju, Basu D, Parthasarathy. Palmar cutaneous metastasis from carcinoma cervix – a case report. Indian Journal of Dermatology & Venereology 2011; 77: 252.
- Vikram Kate, Mohsina S, Gurushankari B. Enterocutaneous Fistula. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated March 18, 2020. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1372132- overview.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Nanda Kishore Maroju, Vikram Kate. Chronic gastric strictures secondary to corrosive ingestion: surgeons ‘perspective. Journal of Digestive Endoscopy 2010; 1(3) Suppl 1: 122-126.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Parthasarathy G, Vikram Kate. Acute corrosive injuries of the stomach: a single unit experience of thirty years. ISRN Gastroenterology 2010; 1(3) 1-4.
- Elamurugan TP, Jagdish S, Vikram Kate, Parija SC. Role of bone biopsy specimen culture in the management of diabetic foot osteomyelitis. International Journal of Surgery 2011;9: 214-16.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Vikram Kate, Parthasarathy G. Therapeutic options for management of pharyngoesophageal corrosive strictures. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery2011; 15: 566-75.
- Valooran G, Vikram Kate, Jagdish S, Basu D. Sequential therapy versus standard triple drug therapy for eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with perforated duodenal ulcer following simple closure. Scandinavian Journal of Gastroenterology 2011; 46: 1045-50.
- Rao Bhavana B, Vikram Kate. Problem solving interactive clinical seminars for under-graduates – a different methodology for teaching clinical reasoning skills. Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics2012; 3: 205-206.
- Elamurugan TP, Suresh S, Muthukumarassamy R, Vikram Kate.Splenic artery aneurysm presenting as extra hepatic portal vein obstruction – a case report. Case Reports in Gastrointestinal Medicine 2011; Article ID 908529, doi: 10.1155/2011/908529.
- Vikram Kate, Ranjit Hari V, Mohsina S. Longitudinal Pancreaticojejunostomy (Puestow Procedure). Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated February 28, 2020. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1892781-overview.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Anup Mohta, Pranavi AR. Intestinal Anastomosis. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated February 18, 2020. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1892319-overview.
- Rathod KJ, Vikram Kate, Badhe B. Cystic retroperitoneal swelling occupying the whole abdomen. Gastroenterology 2011; 141: e7-8.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Lakshmi CP, Vikram Kate. Esophageal stents in benign and malignant diseases. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2011: 317-322.
- Vishnu R, Balamourougan K, Muthukumarassamy Rajakannu, Vikram Kate, Mohapatra DP, Debdatta Basu. Metaplastic carcinoma of breast with tuberculous axillary lymph nodes: A case report. The Breast Journal.
- Laroiya I, Pankaja SS, Mittal S, Vikram Kate. A study of Helicobacter pylori infection, dietary pattern and habits in patients with gastric cancer in south India. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Disease 2012: 2; 24-26.
- Elamurugan TP, Sivashankar M, Suresh Kumar S, Muthukumarassamy R, Vikram Kate. Primary tuberculous appendicitis presented with cecal perforation: A case report. Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine 2012; 5: 834-6.
- Ananthakrishnan N, Subbarao KSVK, Parthasarathy G, Kalayarasan R, Vikram Kate. Long term results of esophageal bypass for corrosive strictures without esophageal resection using a modified left colon esophagocoloplasty – a report of 105 consecutive patients from a single unit over thirty years. Hepato-gastroenterology 2014;61: 1033-1041. doi 10.5754/he 12872.
- Rajkumar N, Karthikeyan VS, Manwar Ali S, Sistla SC, Vikram Kate. Clear Liquid diet versus soft diet in patients with mild acute pancreatitis as the initial meal – a randomized interventional trial. Nutrition in Clinical Practice 2013:28; 365-70. Doi 10.1177/0884533612466112
- Raj Gopal, Elamurugan TP, Vikram Kate, Jagdish S, Debdatta Basu. Standard triple versus levofloxacin based regimen for eradication of Helicobacter pylori. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2013; 4(2): 23-27. http//dx.do.org/10.4292//wjgpt. v4. i2.23.
- Vishnu Prasad NR, Karthigeyan M, Vikram Kate, Parthasarathy R, Reddy KS. Palliative radiotherapy in esophageal cancer. Indian Journal of Surgery 2013; http://dx.doi.10.1007s12262-013-0817-4.
- Prasanna BK, Sasikumar K, Gurunandan U, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Rapunzel syndrome: A rare presentation with multiple small intestinal intussusceptions. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2013; 5(10):282-284. http://www.wjgnet.com/1948-9366/full/v5/i10/282.htm DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.4240/wjgs.v5.i10.282.
- Phanikumar N, Elamurugan TP, Vikram Kate. Spectrum of small bowel perforation in a tertiary care hospital of south India: Predictors of morbidity and mortality. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2014;33(6):575-577.
- Pagadala NN, Parija SC, Vikram Kate. Helicobacter pylori in alcohol induced acute pancreatitis. Pancreas 2014; 43(6):970-1. doi: 10.1097/MPA.0000000000000135.
- Pragateeswarane M, Muthukumarassamy R, Kadambari D, Vikram Kate. Early oral feeding vs. traditional feeding in patients undergoing elective open bowel surgery- a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2014; 18:1017-1023. DOI 10.1007/s11605-014-2489-1.
- Noonavath RN, Lakshmi CP, Dutta TK, Vikram Kate. Effect of Helicobacter pylori eradication on platelet counts in patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura. World Journal of Gastroenterology.2014; 20(22): 6918-6923. http://dx.doi.org/10.3748/wjg.v20.i22.6918
- Raj Gopal, Elamurugan TP, Hage S, Muthukumarassamy R, Vikram Kate. Retrograde jejunogastric intussusception following Braun’s jejunojejunostomy. World Journal of Clinical Cases 2014;2: 187-190. doi:10.12998/wjcc. v2. i1.197.
- Iswarya S, Premarajan KC, Kar SS, Vikram Kate. Risk factors for colorectal carcinoma at a tertiary care hospital in South India. World Journal of Gastrointestinal Oncology 2016; 8(2):207-14.
- Bilgi K, Parthiban N, Suresh Kumar S, Mohapatra DP, Kundra P, Vikram Kate. Swim ring technique – a cost effective alternative for prevention and healing of back ulcers. European Journal of Plastic Surgery 2015; 38: 87-88.doi:10.1007/s00238-014-1030-9.
- Prakash LD, Balaji N, Suresh Kumar S, Vikram Kate. Comparison of electrocautery incision with scalpel incision in midline abdominal surgery – a randomized trial. International Journal of Surgery 2015; 19: 78-82.
- Agarwal A, Suresh Kumar S, Jagdish S, Vikram Kate. Effect of antibiotic prophylaxis in prevention of rebleeding in patients with acute variceal hemorrhage following endoscopic therapy: a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2015; 6: 24-9.
- Elamurugan T P, Sudarshanan S, Shanmugam D, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Knowledge and attitude of medical students on brain death and organ donation. International Journal of Emergency Medicine 2014; 7 (Suppl 1): 05.doi:10.1186/1865-1380-7-S1-O5
- Das R, Vinothan JS, Suresh Kumar S, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Sequential Therapy versus Concomitant Therapy for Eradication of Helicobacter pylori in patients with Perforated Duodenal Ulcer - A Randomized Trial. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 2016; 22(4):309-15. doi: 10.4103/1319-3767.187605.
- Suresh Kumar S, Das SAP, Vikram Kate. Cystic lymphangioma of lesser sac in adult presenting with features of gastric outlet obstruction – a case report. Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research 2015; 9: PD 15 – PD16.DOI: 10.7860/JCDR/2015/14789.6830
- Patil M, Sadishkumar K, Sahoo JP, Vivekanandan M, Vikram Kate, Pandit N, Badhe B. Papillary thyroid microcarcinoma in Graves’ disease presenting as a cystic neck mass. Journal of Cancer Research and Therapeutics. 2015; 11: 986-88.
- Bilgi K, Anitha M, Mohsina S, Sanjeev S, Arun Kumar, Ramya R, Ranjith K, Suresh Kumar S, Mahalakshmy T, Kundra P, Vikram Kate. Assessing the risk for the development of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in surgical patients using adapted Caprini scoring system. International Journal of Surgery 2016; 30: 68-73.
- Anchu AC, Mohsina S, Suresh Kumar S, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. External validation and comparison of the scoring systems in upper gastrointestinal bleeding. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology 2017; 36(2):105–112. doi: 10.1007/s12664-017-0740-x.
- Vikram Kate, Pranavi AR, Mohsina S. Cholecystitis Organism-Specific Therapy Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated July 22, 2019. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1976113-overview.
- Vinothan JS, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, Niranjan R, Shanmugam D, Sreenath GS, D Bharathi, Ramesh A, Vikram Kate. Contrast-enhanced computed tomography – an effective tool in identifying pancreatic duct disruption in acute pancreatitis: A case series. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2016; 3: 101-4.
- Muthusami A, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Elamurugan TP, Srinivasan K, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Efficacy and Feasibility of Objective Structured Clinical Examination in the Internal Assessment for Surgery Postgraduates. Journal of Surgical Education 2017; 74: 398-405. doi: 10.1016/j.jsurg.2016.11.004.
- Gupta D, Chandrashekar L, Larizza L, Colombo EA, Fontana L, Gervasini C, Thappa DM, Rajappa M, Rajendiran KS, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Familial gastrointestinal stromal tumors, lentigines, and café-au-lait macules associated with germline c-kit mutation treated with imatinib. International Journal of Dermatology 2017; 56: 195-201.
- Sahoo AK, Das R, Agarwal S, Mandal J, Sureshkumar S, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Hybrid therapy versus sequential therapy for eradication of Helicobacter pylori – a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Pharmacology and Pharmacotherapeutics 2017; 8: 62-67.
- Mohsina S, Agarwal S, Sureshkumar S, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Billroth I anastomosis using a circular stapler for corrosive gastric stricture- a novel technique. South African Journal of Surgery 2018; 56: 42-44.
- Vikram Kate, Mohsina S. Early mobilization in surgical ICU: Not a chimera anymore? The National Medical Journal of India 2017; 30: 28-29. (Selected Summary)
- Mohsina S, Shanmugam D, Sureshkumar S, Kundra P, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Adapted ERAS pathway versus standard care in patients with perforated duodenal ulcer-a randomized controlled trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery 2018;22: 107-116. doi: 10.1007/s11605-017-3474-2
- Sudharsanan S, GS Sreenath, Sureshkumar S, Vijayakumar C, Sujatha S, Vikram Kate.
Does Fine Needle Aspiration Microbiology Offer Any Benefit Over Wound Swab in Detecting the Causative Organisms in Surgical Site Infections? Wounds. 2017; 29(9):255-261.
- Nelson T, Pranavi AR, Sureshkumar S, GS Sreenath, Vikram Kate. Early vs. Conventional stoma closure following bowel surgery - a randomized controlled trial. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology. 2018 ;24(1):52-58. doi: 10.4103/sjg.SJG_445_17.
- Santhosh S, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, GS Sreenath, Mahesh Kumar S, Bharathi D, Vikram Kate. Double splenic artery pseudoaneurysm with pseudocyst: a therapeutic stalemate. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2017 ;4: 79-81.
- Kumar R, Sahoo JP, Pottakat B, Kamalanathan S, Mohan P, Vikram Kate, Kar SS, Selviambigapathy J. Effect of Frey's procedure on islet cell function in patients with chronic calcific pancreatitis. Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Diseases International 2018 ;17(4):358-362. doi: 10.1016/j.hbpd.2018.06.001.
- Mayank M, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, Kundra P, Vikram Kate. Effect of Perioperative High Oxygen Concentration on Postoperative SSI in Elective Colorectal Surgery-A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2019 ;23(1):145-152. doi: 10.1007/s11605-018-3996-2
- Vikram Kate, Subair M, Sahoo AK, Bhosale N, Karthikeyan M, Mandal J, et al. Prospective evaluation of the diagnostic performance of a new Helicobacter pylori stool antigen immunochromatographic test. Journal of Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Medical sciences. 2019; 24:23-7.
- Nelson T, Pranavi AR, Sureshkumar S, GS Sreenath, Ramesh A, Bharathi D, Vikram Kate. Broken stent of endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography mimicking a common bile duct stone: a case report. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences 2019 ;7(5):1960-1962.
- K R, Biswas R, Bhat P, Sistla S, Kumari S, Vikram Kate. Rare isolation of Fusobacterium varium from a case of Fournier's gangrene. Anaerobe. 2019; 57:82-85.
- Sejal J, Pranavi AR, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, Naik D, Vikram Kate. Massive gastric dilatation in outlet obstruction – is it always benign? International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2019; 6:74-6.
- Sureshkumar S , Sundaram ND, Anandhi A, Varuna S, Mohsina S, Mahalakshmy T, Rajesh N G, Vikram Kate. Postsplenectomy prophylaxis - a ten-year audit in a tertiary care hospital in south India - an observational study. Indian Journal of Surgery 1007/s12262-021-02948-2
- Anusha D, Anandhi A, Mohsina S, Sreenath GS, Mandal J, Vikram Kate. Association of Helicobacter pylori infection and colorectal cancer- a case control study. Indian Journal of Surgery doi.org/10.1007/s12262-021-03208-z
- Kola G, Sureshkumar S, Mohsina S, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Restrictive versus liberal transfusion strategy in upper gastrointestinal bleeding: A randomized controlled trial. Saudi Journal of Gastroenterology 2021;27;13-9.
- Kavita C, Gurushankari B, Nonika R, Noyal M J, Anandhi A, Sureshkumar S, Barathi D, Vikram Kate. Pulmonary cryptosporidiosis in a case of adenocarcinoma of stomach: A case report. Tropical Parasitology 2021; 11: 53-55.
- Aaron DJ, Anandhi A, Sreenath GS, Sureshkumar S, Shaikh HO, Balasubramaniyan V, Vikram Kate. Serial estimation of serum C-reactive protein and procalcitonin for early detection of anastomotic leak after elective intestinal surgeries-prospective observational analytical study. Turkish Journal of Surgery 2021:37; 22-27.
- Julia S, Pranavi AR, Mohsina S, Mahalakshmy T, Sureshkumar S, Vikram Kate. Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge and Dietary Patterns of Patients with Pancreatitis in South India. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2021; 8:22-7.
- Mohsina S, Gurushankari B, Datta S, Niranjan R, Sureshkumar S, Sreenath GS, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Assessment of the Quality of Randomized Controlled Trials in Surgery Using Jadad Score – Where Do We Stand? Journal of Postgraduate Medicine (accepted)
- Nagalakshmi S, Kundra P, Ramya R, Vikram Kate. ERAS protocol with respiratory prehabilitation versus conventional protocol in elective gastrectomy– a randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Surgery 2020; 81; 149-57.
- Aniruthan D, Pranavi AR, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Efficacy of single layered intestinal anastomosis over double layered intestinal anastomosis- an open labeled, randomized controlled trial. International Journal of Surgery 2020; 78: 173-78.
- Pushkala S, Vikram Kate, Anitha M, Rajesh NG, Sreenath GS. Clinicopathological correlation with her2 expression in carcinoma stomach - an observational study. Nigerian Journal of Surgery (Accepted)
- Ridhima A, Pranavi AR, Mohsina S, Sureshkumar S, Sreenath GS, Sujatha S, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Bacteriological Profile of patients with Intra-Abdominal Sepsis and Superficial Surgical Site Infection following Emergency Abdominal Surgery- Is it Concordant? Indian Journal of Surgery 2020; 85: 905-911. doi.org/10.1007/s12262-019-01997-y.
- Saurabh K, Sureshkumar S, Mohsina S, Mahalakshmy T, Kundra P, Vikram Kate. Adapted ERAS Pathway Versus Standard Care in Patients Undergoing Emergency Small Bowel Surgery- A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2020; 24:2077–2087. doi.org/10.1007/s11605-020-04684-6
- Sejal J, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Barathi D, Srinivas BH, Vikram Kate. Double trouble – synchronous multiple primary malignant neoplasms. Annals of African Surgery (accepted)
- Sureshkumar S, Souraja D, Archana E, Sahla S, Mahalakshmy T, Palanivel C, Vikram Kate Comparison of Skin Closure Technique with Stapler and Subcuticular Suture in Patients with Inguinal Hernia undergoing Lichtenstein tension-free mesh repair – An Open-Label Randomized Controlled Trial. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research 2020; 7:27-31.
- Varuna S, Sureshkumar S, Gurushankari B, Archana E, Mohsina S, Vairappan B, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Association between Variceal Bleed and Helicobacter pylori Infection in Patients with Cirrhosis with Portal Hypertension- A Cohort Study. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2021: DOI: 10.18295/squmj.9.2021.136.
- Vishnu R, Gurushankari B, Sureshkumar S, Balamourougan K, Elamurugan TP, Muthukumarassamy R, Mohapatra DP, Debdatta Basu, Vikram Kate. Metaplastic carcinoma of breast with tuberculous axillary lymph nodes: A case report. International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research. 2020; 7:35-8.
- Srijita S, Sinduja R, Anandhi A, Sureshkumar S, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practice for cancer screening in South India. Nigerian Journal of Surgery (accepted)
- Rohith G, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Nivedita N, Palanivel C, Vikram Kate. Effect of synbiotics in reducing the systemic inflammatory response and septic complications in moderately severe and severe acute pancreatitis- a prospective parallel arm double-blind randomized trial. (Revision)
- Ashwin R, Anandhi A, Sureshkumar S, Vikram Kate. Hunger based versus conventional oral feeding in moderate and severe acute pancreatitis: A randomized controlled trial. Digestive Disease and Sciences doi.org/10.1007/s10620-021-06992-6
- Sureshkumar S, Omang A, Anandhi A, Rajesh BS, Abdul Basith KM, Vijayakumar C, Palanivel C, Pazhanivel M, Vikram Kate. Efficacy of Pregabalin and antioxidants combination in reducing pain in chronic pancreatitis compared to placebo- A Randomized Controlled Trial. Digestive Disease and Sciences 2021; 66:4017–4025. doi.org/10.1007/s10620-020-06711-7.
- Anand S; Bhati G, Gurram R, Gnanasekaran S, Vikram Kate, Pottakkat B, Kalayarasan R. Does Neutrophil-to-Lymphocyte ratio (NLR) predict pathologic response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma? Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 2021;52(2):659-665. doi: 10.1007/s12029-020-00445-5.
- Gurushankari B, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Rajesh BS, Naik D, Saurabh K, Vikram Kate. Acute gastric dilatation leading to ischemic necrosis- a rare complication following sigmoid volvulus. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2021(3), 21: 504–506. https://doi.org/10.18295/squmj.4.2021.026
- Shankar H, Gurushankari B, Sureshkumar S, Sreenath GS, Vikram Kate. Factors Predicting Length of Stay after Abdominal Wall Hernia Repair - A Prospective observational Study. Turkish Journal of Surgery 2021; 37 (2): 96-102.
- Hemamalini R, Evangeline M K S, Elamurugan TP, Nivedita N, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate, Gomathi Shankar. Role of nutritional biomarkers in predicting postoperative complications among patients who undergo elective abdominal surgery. Surgical Chronicles (Accepted)
- Vikram Kate, Gurushankari B, Sureshkumar S. Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) in Emergency Abdominal Surgery. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. https://emedicine.medscape.com/article/2500137-overview
- Singh SP, Ahuja V, Ghoshal UC, Makharia G, Dutta U, Zargar SA, Jayanthi V, Dutta AK, Mukhopadhyay AK, Singh A, Thapa BR, Vaiphei K, Sathiyasekaran M, Sahu MK, Rout N, Abraham P, Dalai PC, Rathi P, Sinha SK, Bhatia S, Patra S, Ghoshal U, Poddar U, Mouli VP, Vikram Kate. Management of Helicobacter pylori infection in Indians: the Bhubaneswar Consensus Report of the Indian Society of Gastroenterology. Indian Journal of Gastroenterology. 2021; 40: 420–444 doi: 10.1007/s12664-021-01186-4.
- Jayanth KS, Madan S, Gurushankari B, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Rajesh NG, Vikram Kate. Subcapsular rupture of a metastatic liver deposit in carcinoma lung- A Diagnostic Dilemma. Sultan Qaboos University Medical Journal 2021:doi.org/10.18295/squmj.6.2021.091
- Pranavi AR, Sureshkumar S, Mahalakshmy T, Kundra P, Vikram Kate. Adapted ERAS Pathway Versus Standard Care in Patients Undergoing Emergency Surgery for Perforation Peritonitis - A Randomized Controlled Trial. Journal of Gastrointestinal Surgery doi.org/10.1007/s11605-021-05184-x
- Sinduja R, Anandhi A, Barathi D, Mahalakshmy T, Vikram Kate. Role of sarcopenia in predicting the post-operative morbidity and peri-operative mortality in patients undergoing elective surgery for gastric cancer. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer 2021: DOI 10.1007/s12029-021-00715-w
- Kohli P, Penumadu P, Srinivas BH, Sivasanker M, Dubashi B, Vikram Kate, Kumar H, Kalayarasan R, Balasubramanian A. Clinicopathological profile and its association with peritoneal disease among gastric cancer patients. Surgical Oncology 2021; doi.org/10.1016/j.suronc.2021.101595
- Vikram Kate, Madhuvanti K, Archana E, Anahita Kate, Gurushankari B, Maroju NK. Partial Gastrectomy. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated May 10, 2021. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1893089-overview.
- Vikram Kate, Kalayarasan R, Gurushankari B, Bhavana B Rao, Anahita Kate. Gastrojejunostomy. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated May 17, 2021. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1891989-overview.
- Vikram Kate, Maroju NK, Gurushankari B, Mohsina S. Exploratory Open Laparotomy. Medscape Drugs & Diseases. Updated June 08, 2021. Available at: http://emedicine.medscape.com/article/1829835-overview.
- Laya G, Anandhi A, Gurushankari B, Mandal J, Vikram Kate. Association between Helicobacter pylori and periampullary and pancreatic cancer: A case-control study. Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer. doi: 10.1007/s12029-021-00766-z.
- Fellow of the Faculty of Surgical Trainers of Edinburgh.
- More than 200 publications in National and International journals. Author of 45 chapters in books.
- Member of the Research Committee of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), USA from May 2020-May 2023.
- Member on the Board of Research, (Ph.D., Post Doc, Fellowship, Certificate, and various grants) for Medical, Dental and Allied Health Sciences Faculties of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra.
Prominent Awards/Oration Awards based on Research Output
- Annual Internal Oration-2015 of the JIPMER Scientific Society.
- Dr. Mathias Oration – 2010 by the Association of Surgeons of India, Tamil Nadu & Pondicherry Chapter for 2010.
- Prof. N. Rangabashyam Oration- 2015 by the Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Chapter of the Association of Surgeons of India.
- Veerabai JR Das Oration-2016 by the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology.
- Dr. S.K. Bhansali Memorial Oration-2017 by the Association of Surgeons of India.
- Senior Faculty Research Oration -2020 at the 5th JIPMER Annual Research Day. Citation, Plaque and 50,000/- prize amount was given.
- First Dr. Indru Khubchandani Oration-2020 by the International Society of Colo-Proctology.
- More than 50 best paper awards at national and international conferences.
- Books and Editor of Journals.
Edited books
- Writing and Publishing A Scientific Research Paper published by Springer Nature (2017)
- Thesis Writing for Master's and Ph.D. Program published by Springer Nature (2018).
- Editor-in- Chief of International Journal of Advanced Medical and Health Research- an official publication of JIPMER published by Wolters Kluwer.
- Editorial Board Member on Gastroenterology Research & Practice a PubMed Indexed International Journal.
- Editor-in-chief of Gastrointestinal Procedures for Medscape Reference. Medscape is a web resource for physicians and health professionals.
- Elected Editorial Board Member on Indian Journal of Surgery, official journal of the Association of Surgeons of India for 2019-2024.
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of the Indian Medical Association,
- the Official monthly indexed publication of IMA for 2021.
Contributed Chapters in
- Gastrointestinal Surgery Annual (Published by the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology).
- Roshan Lall Gupta’s Recent Advances in Surgery.
- Textbook of Surgery (Published by the Association of surgeons of India).
- “Debates in Gastrointestinal Surgery”.
- Medscape of WebMD, Omaha U.S.A.
- IASG textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology (Published by the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology)
- Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology edited by P.K. Mishra.
- Textbook of Surgical Gastroenterology edited by Sanjiv Haribhakti.
- Dilemmas in Abdominal Surgery: A Case-Based Approach. Abingdon: Taylor & Francis edited by SaviGeorge Barret& Shailesh V. Shrikhande.
- Contemporary Surgery edited by Santhosh John Abraham.
- Contributed a chapter in the prestigious textbook Bailey & Love’s Essential Operations in Hepatobiliary and Pancreatic Surgery edited by Ashley Dennison, Guy Maddern, and Jia Fan being published by CRC Press | Taylor & Francis Group, UK.
Contributions to Research Work
- Original work for the doctoral thesis on the role of Helicobacter pylori in upper GI disorders with special reference tcomplications of duodenal ulcer.
- Established correlation of H. pylori with recurrence of duodenal ulcer following simple closure of a perforated duodenal ulcer. That time the only study in world literature tdocument this on long term follow up. Published in the British Journal of Surgery.
- Prepared and standardized an easy tmake, cheap and accurate test tdetect H. pylori by the urease test. Published in the Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology.
- Role of quadruple, sequential therapy, concomitant therapy, hybrid therapy for H. pylori eradication in India.
- Established Classification of corrosive gastric strictures for therapeutic use.
- Sternocleidomastoid muscle myocutaneous flap for corrosive pharyngoesophageal strictures.
- Established the role of Adapted Enhanced Recovery After Surgery (ERAS) pathway in emergency setting.
Positions Held:
Administrative: JIPMER
- Holding the post of Professor-in-Charge of Publications for the last 3 years.
- Chairman of the Annual Report Committee for JIPMER for the last 3 years. Successfully bringing out the report to be presented to the Parliament.
- Chairman of the APAR review Committee.
Research Committees/Meetings/Journal Experience at JIPMER --
- Editor-in-Chief of the JIPMER journal from 2015 onwards. Running it successfully and bring it on time every year.
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the First /second/third/fourth/fifth /sixth JIPMER Research Day Celebration held in 2015/2016/2017/2019/2020/2021.
National Academic Positions:
- Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology – 2015-2021.
- Past National President of the Indian Association of Surgical Gastroenterology (2015-16)
- National Executive of the Indian Chapter of International Hepato-Pancreato Biliary Association
- Member on the Planning Board of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra.
- Member on the Board of Research, (Ph.D., Post Doc, Fellowship, Certificate, and various grants) for Medical, Dental and Allied Health Sciences Faculties of the Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, Nashik, Maharashtra.
- Editorial Board Member of the Indian Journal of Surgery (2019-2024)
- Member of the Editorial Advisory Board of the Journal of the Indian Medical Association (JIMA), the Official monthly indexed publication of IMA.
- Member of the Selection Committee for the faculty in Pondicherry Institute of Medical Sciences as a Pondicherry University Nominee.
- Member of the Selection Committee for the faculty in Andaman and Nicobar Islands Institute of Medical Sciences as a Pondicherry University Nominee.
International Academic Positions:
- Inaugural President of the Indian Chapter of Society for the Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), USA (2021-22)
- Member of the Research Committee of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT) from 2020-2023. (Only person from Asia to be appointed on it).
- Reviews all SSAT research award applications, including the Career Development Award, Education Research, COVID-19 and GI Diseases Research Award, and the Healthcare Disparities Research Award.
- Organize and seek nationally and internationally recognized speakers for quarterly seminars and webinars.
- Member of the Program Subcommittee Small Bowel/Abdom of The Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (SSAT), from May 2021-May 2022.
- Court of Examiners for the Intercollegiate MRCS Examination by the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh and England, UK.
- Member of the Surgical Speciality Board-General Surgery of The Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh for a period of three years from 2021-23. This is the first time an Indian has been appointed to this position.
- It monitors all the research and clinical activities and FRCS (Fellowship) applications for the RCSEd. in the speciality.
- Chief Editor for Medscape Reference Gastrointestinal Procedures Section
- Member on the Editorial Board-- Gastroenterology Research & Practice.