Dr. Shivanand K
Dr. Shivanand

Professor and Head
Medical Registration number:
KMC 57405
OPD Timing:
Monday, Wednesday & Friday – 9:00 am to 1:00 pm and Tuesday -9:00am to 1:00pm (Child Guidance clinic)
Academic Qualifications:
- M.B.B.S.
- M.D. (Psychiatry)
- D.M. (Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
Special Clinics:
Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Clinic
Special Area of Interest:
Mood disorders,Suicide,Substance use,Child and adolescent emotional and behavioural disorders and Neurodevelopmental disorders
- Karthick S, Kattimani S, Rajkumar RP, Bharadwaj B, Sarkar S. Long term course of bipolar I disorder in India: using retrospective life chart method. J Affect Disord. 2015;173:255–60
- Kattimani S, Bharadwaj B, Sarkar S, Mukherjee A. Interrater reliability of the Silverman et al. nomenclature for suicide-related ideations, behaviors, and communications. Crisis. 2015;36:61–4.
- Devanarayanan S, Nandeesha H, Kattimani S, Sarkar S. Relationship between matrix metalloproteinase-9 and oxidative stress in drug-free male schizophrenia: a case control study. Clin Chem Lab Med. 2016; 54:447–52.
- Ravi S, Chandrasekaran V, Kattimani S, Subramanian M. Maternal and birth risk factors for children screening positive for autism spectrum disorders on M-CHAT-R. Asian J Psychiatr. 2016 Aug;22:17-21.
- Sarkar S, Sakey S, Mathan K, Bharadwaj B, Kattimani S, Rajkumar RP. Assessing catatonia using four different instruments: Inter-rater reliability and prevalence in inpatient clinical population. Asian J Psychiatr. 2016;23:27-31.
- Devanarayanan S, Nandeesha H, Kattimani S, Sarkar S, Jose J. Elevated copper, hs C-reactive protein and dyslipidemia in drug free schizophrenia: Relation with psychopathology score. Asian J Psychiatr. 2016 Dec;24:99-102.
- Kattimani S, Subramanian K, Sarkar S, Rajkumar RP, Balasubramanian S. History of Lifetime suicide attempt in bipolar I disorder: its correlates and effect on illness course. Int J Psychiatry Clin Pract. 2017 Jun;21(2):118-124.
- Subramanian K, Sarkar S, Kattimani S. Bipolar disorder in Asia: Illness course and contributing factors. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017;29:16-29.
- Subramanian K, Kattimani S. Geographical predisposition to a mania-predominant course of bipolar disorder in Asia. Asian J Psychiatr. 2017 ;30:73-74.
- Subramanian K, Sarkar S, Kattimani S, Philip Rajkumar R, Penchilaiya V. Role of stressful life events and kindling in bipolar disorder: Converging evidence from a mania-predominant illness course Psychiatry Res. 2017;258:434-437.
- Subramanian K, Sarkar S, Kattimani S, Rajkumar RP. Influence of age at onset on the course and outcome of bipolar I disorder: Findings from a retrospective study. Asian J Psychiatr. 2018;31:135-136.
- Ramachandran Pillai R, Wilson AB, Premkumar NR, Kattimani S, Sagili H, Rajendiran S. Low serum levels of High-Density Lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-c) as an indicator for the development of severe postpartum depressive symptoms. PLoS One. 2018 Feb 14;13(2):e0192811.
- Keshri N, Nandeesha H, Kattimani S.Elevated interleukin-17 and reduced testosterone in bipolar disorder. Relation with suicidal behaviour. Asian J Psychiatr. 2018;36:66-68.
- Menon V, Kattimani S, Sarkar S, Sathyanarayanan G, Subramanian K, Velusamy SK. Age at onset of first suicide attempt: Exploring the utility of a potential candidate variable to subgroup attempters. Asian J Psychiatr. 2018;37:40-45.
- Chandrasekaran V, Kattimani S, Subramanian K, Penchilaiya V, Karunanithi A. Cognitive performance, and psychosocial functioning in unaffected siblings of bipolar disorder patients in comparison with healthy controls. Asian J Psychiatr. 2020 ;54:102246.
For a complete list of publications, see here: https://scholar.google.co.in/citations?user=Ey2qEBVjwfAC&hl=en
Positions Held:
Associate Dean (Research), JIPMER, Puducherry