Dr. Balamurugan N
Dr. Balamurugan. N
Emergency Medicine & Trauma
Associate Professor
Medical Registration number:
OPD Timing:
Academic Qualifications:
MD General medicine
Special Area of Interest:
Emergency cardiology and Neurology
- Thabah M, Balamurugan N. APL16-1300 Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in SLE- experience from a Medical Intensive Care Unit in southern India. Int J Rheum Dis 2016; 19 (Suppl. 2): 276 [APLAR 2016]
- Rajagopala S, Nathan B, Pillai V.An unusual cause of type 2respiratory failure.Indian J Crit Care Med 2015 Feb;19(2):122-5
- Balamurugan Nathan A Mimicker of Yellow Oleander Poisoning J ClinToxicol, Vol.10 Iss.2 No:1000437
- MahalingamSasikumar, Gunaseelan R, Anuusha SS, RajendranAjithkumar, Manu Ayyan S, Balamurugan N Curious Case of Dimethoate Poisoning with Early Onset Intermediate Syndrome, Cardiotoxicity and Hypothermia: A Case Report
- R.Gunaseelan M.D, D.N.B , M. Sasikumar M.D, K.Aswin M.D, ShirshenduDhar, N.Balamurugan M.D, Vivekanandan Pillai M.D Brugadaphenocopy induced by consumption of yellow oleander seeds – A case report J Electrocardiol . Sep-Oct 2020;62:107-109.
- GunaseelanRajendranBalamurugan Nathan Vivekanandan Muthu Pillai Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia in a Young Pregnant Woman Circulation Volume 142, Issue 23, 8 December 2020; Pages 2278-2281
- R. GunaseelanM. Sasikumar N. BalamuruganA Young Patient With Chest Pain Circulation Volume 142, Issue 13, 29 September 2020, Pages 1299-1301
- Gunaseelan R, Sasikumar M, Aswin K, Nithya B, Balamurugan N, Vivekanandan M. Memory T-waves, a rare cause of T-wave inversion in the emergency department. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:312-6
- Prashant Bafna, SurendranDeepanjaliJharnaMandal, NathanBalamurugan, Rathinam P. Swaminathan, TamilarasuKadhiravan. Reevaluating the true diagnostic accuracy of dipstick tests to diagnose urinary tract infection using Bayesian latent class analysis. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244870
- Nathan B, Pillai V, Ayyan S, et al. (January 03, 2021) Streptococcus dysgalactiae Subspecies dysgalactiae Infection Presenting With Septic Shock. Cureus 13(1): e12465. doi:10.7759/cureus.12465
- Dr Amaravathi Uthayakumar MD (Senior resident) Dr BalamuruganNathan MD (Assistant professor) Dr VivekanandanPillai MD (Professor and Head) Dr S.ManuAyyan MD (Assistant professor) Superior Mesenteric Arterial and Venous thrombosis in COVID-19
- BalaramanNithyaaKonuri Bhargava Ramb Manu AyyanScBalamurugan Nd Emphysematous cystitis- An uncommon but life-threatening condition. Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 23, April 2021, 10101
- Gunaseelan Rajendran Anas Mohammed Muthanikkatt Balamurugan Nathan Not All Waves Are Factual Circulation. 2021;144:751–753
- Mahalingam S, Rajendran G, Balaraman N, Manu Ayyan, et al. Stanford - A Aortic Dissection Presenting as a Triple Mimic and Role of Point of Care Ultrasound in Deciphering It. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2021;14(3):187-189.