Dr. Balamurugan N

Dr. Balamurugan. N
Emergency Medicine & Trauma
Associate Professor
Medical Registration number: 
OPD Timing: 
Academic Qualifications: 

MD General medicine

Special Area of Interest: 
Emergency cardiology and Neurology
  1. Thabah M, Balamurugan N. APL16-1300 Diffuse alveolar hemorrhage in SLE- experience from a Medical Intensive Care Unit in southern India. Int J Rheum Dis 2016; 19 (Suppl. 2): 276 [APLAR 2016]
  2. Rajagopala S, Nathan B, Pillai V.An unusual cause of type 2respiratory failure.Indian J Crit Care Med 2015 Feb;19(2):122-5
  3. Balamurugan Nathan A Mimicker of Yellow Oleander Poisoning J ClinToxicol, Vol.10 Iss.2 No:1000437
  4. MahalingamSasikumar, Gunaseelan R, Anuusha SS, RajendranAjithkumar, Manu Ayyan S, Balamurugan N Curious Case of Dimethoate Poisoning with Early Onset Intermediate Syndrome, Cardiotoxicity and Hypothermia: A Case Report
  5.   R.Gunaseelan M.D, D.N.B , M. Sasikumar M.D, K.Aswin M.D, ShirshenduDhar, N.Balamurugan M.D, Vivekanandan Pillai M.D  Brugadaphenocopy induced by consumption of yellow oleander seeds – A case report   J Electrocardiol . Sep-Oct 2020;62:107-109.
  6. GunaseelanRajendranBalamurugan Nathan Vivekanandan Muthu Pillai Wide QRS Complex Tachycardia in a Young Pregnant Woman  Circulation Volume 142, Issue 23, 8 December 2020; Pages 2278-2281
  7.   R. GunaseelanM. Sasikumar N. BalamuruganA Young Patient With Chest Pain       Circulation Volume 142, Issue 13, 29 September 2020, Pages 1299-1301
  8.   Gunaseelan R, Sasikumar M, Aswin K, Nithya B, Balamurugan N, Vivekanandan M. Memory T-waves, a rare cause of T-wave inversion in the emergency department. J Emerg Trauma Shock 2020;13:312-6
  9. Prashant Bafna, SurendranDeepanjaliJharnaMandal, NathanBalamurugan, Rathinam P. Swaminathan, TamilarasuKadhiravan. Reevaluating the true diagnostic accuracy of dipstick tests to diagnose urinary tract infection using Bayesian latent class analysis. PLoS ONE 15(12): e0244870
  10. Nathan B, Pillai V, Ayyan S, et al. (January 03, 2021) Streptococcus    dysgalactiae Subspecies dysgalactiae Infection Presenting With Septic Shock. Cureus 13(1): e12465. doi:10.7759/cureus.12465
  11. Dr Amaravathi Uthayakumar MD (Senior resident) Dr BalamuruganNathan MD (Assistant professor) Dr VivekanandanPillai MD (Professor and Head) Dr S.ManuAyyan MD (Assistant professor) Superior Mesenteric Arterial and Venous thrombosis in COVID-19 
  12. BalaramanNithyaaKonuri Bhargava Ramb Manu AyyanScBalamurugan Nd Emphysematous cystitis- An uncommon but life-threatening condition.  Visual Journal of Emergency Medicine Volume 23, April 2021, 10101
  13. Gunaseelan Rajendran Anas Mohammed Muthanikkatt Balamurugan Nathan Not All Waves Are Factual Circulation. 2021;144:751–753
  14. Mahalingam S, Rajendran G, Balaraman N, Manu Ayyan, et al. Stanford - A Aortic Dissection Presenting as a Triple Mimic and Role of Point of Care Ultrasound in Deciphering It. J Emerg Trauma Shock. 2021;14(3):187-189.