
Dr. Lalgudi Narayanan Dorairajan
Professor (Sr. Scale) & Medical Superintendent
About Me: 
Areas of treatment: Laparoscopic Surgery for Urological Diseases Percutaneous Nephrolithotomy and Ureteroscopic Lithotripsy for Stone Disease Kidney transplantation (Live as well as Deceased Donor) and Vascular Access Surgery for Dialysis Surgery for Urological Cancers including Radical Nephrectomy, Cystectomy, Radical Prostatectomy and Neobladder and Continent Diversions Reconstructive Urology especial Urethroplasty for Urethral Stricture Disease Surgery for Urinary Incontinence. About this doctor: Dr. Dorairajan is an expert in many urological surgeries including reconstructive urological surgeries such as urethroplasty, percutaneous and ureteroscopic lithotripsy for urinary tract stone disease, laparoscopic urological surgery, kidney transplantation, vascular access surgery for dialysis and urological cancer surgery for cancers of the adrenal, kidney, bladder and prostate. He is an acclaimed surgeon in urethroplasty for stricture disease and has performed more than 250 urethroplasties. Dr. Dorairajan joined JIPMER in 1999 as Associate Professor of Urology and subsequently became Professor of Urology in 2003. In 2013 he became the Head of the Department. Dr. Dorairajan has established the percutaneous nephrolithotomy for minimally invasive treatment of kidney stones and the laparoscopic (key-hole surgery) urological surgery program in JIPMER. He played a leadership role in establishing the kidney transplantation services in the department and performed the first ever deceased donor kidney harvest for transplantation in Pondicherry. He performed the first surgery in the department for minimally invasive treatment of urinary incontinence (mid-urethral sling) in women and trained other faculty members in it. He has also performed for the first time in JIPMER reconstructive lap urology, orthotopic neobladder for radical cystectomy, buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty, endourological surgeries like injection therapy for VUR, RIRS for stones and antegrade endopyelotomy for pelviureteral junction obstruction. Dr. Dorairajan had his undergraduate education in medicine at the premier All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi (AIIMS). He subsequently did his post-graduation in surgery and superspecialisation (MCh) in Urology at the AIIMS. At AIIMS where he received training in laparoscopy under Dr. Ashok Hemal, a pioneer in robotic surgery in the world and a leader in laparoscopic urology in this country. He was awarded the Chakroborty Fellowship for the year 2009 by the Indian American Urological Association (IAUA) and visited the Departments of Urology at the Wake Forest University School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, North Carolina, USA and the Stanford University School of Medicine, Palo Alto, California, USA for 6 weeks and one month respectively for training in Robotic and Minimally Invasive Urological Surgery. Academic Contributions Dr. Dorairajan has served as Assistant Professor of Urology at the Nizam’s institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad and as Assistant Professor of Urology at the AIIMS before joining JIPMER as a faculty member. Dr. Dorairajan has received numerous acclaimed awards including the Chakroborty Fellowship for the year 2009 by the Indian American Urological Association (IAUA), as well as several awards for his scientific contributions at various regional and national conferences in the country. Dr. Dorairajan has published extensively (>60 publications), written 9 book chapters and serves as a referee for many leading urological journals, including Editorial Board appointments for two journals including the Indian Journal of Urology. He has been invited as a faculty for many CMEs and Workshops. His paper on “Pelvic fracture-associated urethral injuries in girls: experience with primary repair.” published in the BJU International in 2004 has changed the line of thinking in the management of urethral injury in women in the urology fraternity. The work has been cited extensively in articles on this subject. He has served in the executive council of several professional societies at institution, city and state levels. He has been elected as Secretary of the Tamilnadu and Pondicherry Association of Urologists (TAPASU) for a two year period 2014-2016. He served in the past as the President of the JIPMER Scientific Society, Treasurer of the Pondicherry Renal Sciences Society and Treasurer of the Pondicherry Surgeons Association. Dr. Dorairajan has been appointed by the MCI to inspect various medical colleges for considering granting recognition for new MCh (Urology) PG courses. He has been as an appraiser for DNB courses in Urology for the National Board of Examinations, New Delhi. He has been a member of the group of experts constituted by the Central Council for Research in Homeopathy, New Delhi for preparation of a monograph on Urolithiasis and a member of the “Bladder Cancer Guidelines Panel 2007” of the Urological Society of India. Dr. Dorairajan is actively involved in the teaching of undergraduate students of various medical courses in this Institute. He is also actively involved in the teaching and training of students of MS (General Surgery) and M.Ch. (Urology). He has guided many postgraduate students in their dissertation work. Prof S. Kumar and Dr. Dorairajan prepared the draft of the revised (current) curriculum of the M.Ch. (Urology) course of JIPMER, Puducherry that has now been implemented in JIPMER. Dr. Dorairajan has organised and/or coordinated several educational programs and CMEs.
Medical Registration number: 
OPD Timing: 
Wednesday 8.30 am to 3.00 pm
Academic Qualifications: 

M.B.B.S., M.S., D.N.B., M.Ch (Urology)

Special Clinics: 

Urinary incontinence clinics, Mens’ Health clinic, Kidney transplant and Uro-oncology.

Positions Held: 

Professor Sr. Scale, Officer-in-Charge – Purchase Section, Transport Section and Multi-disciplinary Robotic Assisted Minimal Access Surgery Unit (MRAMAS Unit), Medical Superintendent.
