Dear all,
The first JSS monthly scientific meeting for the year 2019-20 will be held on 18.07.2019 (Thursday) at 3:15 PM in SSB Conference Hall, 3rd floor, SSB.
Following is the programme schedule.
Invited Talk: 3:15 pm to 3.40 pm (20 mins + 5 mins discussion)
The unmet need for Contraception in India: challenges in implementing contraception by Govt. of India. JIPMER experience in implementing PPIUCD
Dr. Gowri Dorairajan
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, JIPMER
PAPER PRESENTATIONS (3.40 to 4.30 pm)
Original paper (Resident):
Effect of zoledronic acid in hepatic osteodystrophy: a double-blinded placebo controlled trial
Henith Raj, SadishKumar Kamalanathan, Jayaprakash Sahoo, Pazhanivel Mohan, Nagarajan K, Harsh Durgia
Department of Endocrinology
Short papers/ case reports (faculty):
Recurrent Giant Cell Tumour of proximal tibia treated with excision and limb reconstruction – a case report
Gipson Samuel T, Gopisankar Balaji G, Anand Kumar, Pasupathy P
Department of Orthopaedics
Short papers/ case reports (residents)
Rare cause of recurrent Bloody stools - Diagnostic fallacies in a case of Long Tubular duplication of Intestine
M.Aishwarya, Ashwitha Shenoy, S.Kumaravel
Department of Paediatric Surgery
An Interesting Ca(u)se of Polycythemia
Abhimanyu Samadder, RP Swaminathan, K Balamurugesan, Chanaveerappa Bammigatty, S Deepanjali, Anupriya
Department of Medicine
Double Trouble – Multiple Primary Malignant Neoplasms
Sejal Jain, Divya Singh, Mohsina Subair, Sureshkumar S, Anandhi A, Deepak Bharathi, BH Srinivasan, Vikram Kate
Departments of Surgery, Radiodiagnosis and Pathology
The scientific programme will be followed by the General Body Meeting.
Dr. Subathra Adithan,
Secretary, JSS