
In Patients services: 

Therapeutic Services

  1. Peripheral blood stem cell harvesting - autologous and allogenic
  2. Therapeutic Plasmapheresis and exchange
  3. Therapeutic Leucapheresis
  4. Therapeutic phlebotomy
  5. Blood Transfusion
  6. PRP/ PRP Gel
  7. Intrauterine Transfusion

Laboratory Services

  1. Blood Grouping & Rh typing
  2. DCT & ICT and antibody titres
  3. Blood crossmatching
  4. Antibody screening and Identification
  5. Antigen phenotyping.
  6. Blood component pre-transfusion testing and issue
  7. Post transfusion reaction investigations and reporting

Outpatient services:

Donor Services

  1. Pre and post donor counseling
  2. Voluntary donor screening, examination
  3. Transfusion Transmitted Diseases (HIV, HBsAg, HCV, Syphilis and Malaria) testing
  4. Blood collections including Aphaeresis.
  5. Conducting Voluntary blood donation camps and awareness drives.
  6. Donor wellness clinic
  7. Thalassemia transfusion advice clinic
  8. Coagulation abnormality transfusion support

Laboratory Services

  1. Blood Grouping & Rh typing
  2. Coombs Tests (Direct – DCT & Indirect - ICT)
  3. Antibody screening and identification
  4. Antibody titers estimation
  5. Minor blood group antigen phenotyping.
  6. Modification of Blood products
  7. Quality control assurance and Patient safety protocols

 Future Plans

  1. HLA typing & Crossmatching
  2. Coagulation Lab
  3. Advanced immunohematology
  4. Molecular testing
  5. Patient Blood Management clinics


Last Updated :23-Aug-2024