In Patients services:
Therapeutic Services
- Peripheral blood stem cell harvesting - autologous and allogenic
- Therapeutic Plasmapheresis and exchange
- Therapeutic Leucapheresis
- Therapeutic phlebotomy
- Blood Transfusion
- PRP/ PRP Gel
- Intrauterine Transfusion
Laboratory Services
- Blood Grouping & Rh typing
- DCT & ICT and antibody titres
- Blood crossmatching
- Antibody screening and Identification
- Antigen phenotyping.
- Blood component pre-transfusion testing and issue
- Post transfusion reaction investigations and reporting
Outpatient services:
Donor Services
- Pre and post donor counseling
- Voluntary donor screening, examination
- Transfusion Transmitted Diseases (HIV, HBsAg, HCV, Syphilis and Malaria) testing
- Blood collections including Aphaeresis.
- Conducting Voluntary blood donation camps and awareness drives.
- Donor wellness clinic
- Thalassemia transfusion advice clinic
- Coagulation abnormality transfusion support
Laboratory Services
- Blood Grouping & Rh typing
- Coombs Tests (Direct – DCT & Indirect - ICT)
- Antibody screening and identification
- Antibody titers estimation
- Minor blood group antigen phenotyping.
- Modification of Blood products
- Quality control assurance and Patient safety protocols
Future Plans
- HLA typing & Crossmatching
- Coagulation Lab
- Advanced immunohematology
- Molecular testing
- Patient Blood Management clinics
Last Updated :23-Aug-2024