The Programmer conducted by the Department

  1. As a Regional Blood transfusion centre, we organised a series of reorientation training for various Pondicherry Government and Private Blood Bank personnel (Medical Officers, Registered Nurse, Technicians, and counsellors) under the aegis of Pondicherry AIDS Control Society from the year 2020 till 2024.
  2. Organized an Annual review meeting among 18 states in Blood Transfusion services” on behalf of Directorate General of Health services, New Delhi on 18th & 19th January 2023 at JIPMER, Pondicherry.
  3. Conducted a workshop “TransCoMeT 2023 (Competency-based Medical EducationTraining in Transfusion)” for the faculties all over India involved in teaching Transfusion Medicine at the Postgraduate level  at JIPMER from 22.02.2023 to 25.02.2023
  4. Organized Workshop JHAKAAS (JIPMER Haem Activities for Knowledge and Augmentation of Skills) wherein a mock exam in the university pattern was held for the final year exam going Post Graduate students in Transfusion medicine from various colleges in India was held from 09.02.2018 to 11.02.2018. Twelve (12) exam going students from various colleges in India participated.
  5. Organized Workshop JHAKAAS (JIPMER Haem Activities for Knowledge and Augmentation of Skills) wherein a mock exam in the university pattern was held for the final year exam going Post Graduate students in Transfusion medicine from various colleges in India was held from 17.02.2017 to 19.02.2017.
  6. Organized CME on NAT (Nucleic Acid Testing) on 17.02.2017 at Conference Hall, Super Specialty Block, JIPMER. It was attended by 100 delegates, both faculty members and residents of various medical colleges and hospitals of Puducherry.

Awards and Honor

  1. B. Abhishekh, Additional Professor, was awarded “The Harold Gunson Fellowship” for the 31st Regional Congress of the ISBT, held from June 2 – 8, 2021 and the “H.D Shoure Award for the year 2021” by the Indian Society of Blood Transfusion and Immunohematology.
  2. B. Abhishekh, Associate Professor received Travel Fellowship grant to attend the Biennial conference of JAANA (JIPMER Alumni Association of North America) at Los Angeles, CA from 04.10.2020 to 05.10.2020.
  3. B. Abhishekh, Associate Professor received the “Young Scientist Award” for the year 2019 by Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine at the TRANSMEDCON 2019 -8th National conference of Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine (ISTM) conducted by Indian Society of Transfusion Medicine in Mumbai on 09.01.2020.
Last Updated :23-Aug-2024