General Info
The Department of Pathology
The department of Pathology started way back at the inception of JIPMER in 1964. Over the years, it has developed into a multidisciplinary department with a well-developed undergraduate and postgraduate training programme. Among the various activities of this department (apart from teaching), able patient care service including 24-hour emergency lab services, research, and role of faculty in other corporate activities are but just the tip of the iceberg. There has been a constant growth in the workload of the department with a consistent improvement in terms of quality, efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness as well as, the stakeholder experience. The department has a robust system of providing accurate reports with the reviewing faculty in each subspecialty. As an extension of the patient care service, the department conducts the regular multi-disciplinary team meetings. It also extends the referral services for cancer diagnosis in and around Puducherry, and also, community service to PHC for screening cervical cancer and blood counts. The departmental research work is presented at regional, national and international forums and also published in peer reviewed journals.
The core strength of the department has been the presence of excellent teachers and robust academic program for the following courses.
- Undergraduate: MBBS, B.Sc. (MLT) and allied health professional courses
- Postgraduate: MD (Pathology), PDF (Nephropathology), PDF (Hematopathology) and M.Sc.MLT (Pathology)
- DM: Postdoctoral fellowship courses invarious disciplines, DM Medical Oncology, DM Nephrology
- PhD: PhD Programme
Laboratory Services (Patient care & Research)
Department of Pathology is equipped with state-of-the-art facilities in including automated microtomes, histokinettes, tissue embedding station, cryostats, IHC auto-stainers, penta-head microscopes, automated coagulometer, platelet aggregometer, flow cytometry, hematology auto-analysers, electrophoresis system, HPLC, automated stainers in Cytology and Histopathology, automated semen analyser, automated urine analyser, automated ESR etc. A comprehensive panel of over hundred immunohistochemistry antibodies are offered for diagnostic care free of cost for patients. The department also provides transplant pathology services for renal transplants, which was initiated during 2011-12. Three immunofluorescence microscopes are available in the department with phase contrast attachments and polarizer and analyser lenses for microscopes. Recently PCR machine and automated digital slide scannerhavebeen installed.Our flow cytometry laboratory is given due consideration for “Centre of Excellence” by Beckmann Coulter company.
The External Quality Assurance Scheme (EQAS)is being followed in all three major divisions of the department with Cytology laboratory is enrolled with Indian Academy of Cytology (IAC) and Histopathology with the Tata Memorial Hospital (TMH), Mumbai. In the Hematology division, EQASis followed for the coagulation with CMC, Vellore, and blood counts with AIIMS, New Delhi.
The departmental faculty is actively engaged in research activities with MD, PhD, and M.Sc. MLT dissertations,aswell as UG research projects. Many of these projects are funded by intramural grants, while some of the faculty have obtained collaborative extramural grants. The department had also been apart of a multicenter project funded by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare. The research work is regularly being published in various indexed/peer-reviewed national and international journals. JIPMER Pathology department is selected as one of the few centres in the country for the DIAMONDs project under ministry of health research to promote molecular testing in primarily breast and lung malignancies.
,Last Updated:01-Nov-2024
Last Updated :07-Nov-2024