
Services based on Academics, Research and Public welfare:

  1. Legal Medicine
  2. Forensic Pathology
  3. Forensic Toxicology
  4. Forensic Humanities
  5. Medico-legal hands-on training to Police personnel
  6. Clinical Forensic Medicine Unit (CFMU)
  7. Medico-legal consultancy to the clinicians
  • Medico-legal and forensic pathology services to the public, patients, and doctors.
  • Legal-medicine consultancy and referral services to the clinicians, the judiciary, the law enforcement agencies like the Central Bureau of Investigation, the police, Forensic Scientists, and the public at large.
  • Medicolegal management of the women and child sexual offense cases at One-step crisis centre management.
  • Medicolegal consultancy & management of Cadaveric/brain-dead organ donation cases.
  • Teaching activities encompass the undergraduate, postgraduate, and doctoral medical, nursing, and paramedical courses.
  • Training programmes for postgraduate and paramedical students include time-to-time workshops, CMEs and Conferences. We organise national/state level talks, teaching seminars and forums from time to time in the advancement of knowledge and continuing education in law, medicine and forensic sciences
  • Interdisciplinary collaboration with the clinicians, the police, lawyers, and forensic scientists for the unhindered administration of justice. This is to liaise with other national bodies in legal medicine and forensic sciences for the advancement of medicolegal knowledge
  • We educate the public and students regarding legal medicine and forensic pathology services through time-to-time public exhibitions and galleries.
  • To do all such acts and things as are incidental or subsidiary to all or any of the above.
  • COVID-19 related services:
    1. Dead body management of COVID-19 positive and suspected cases. Supporting district administration for handing over of the positive bodies
    2. Counselling of relatives of COVID-19 deceased.
Last Updated :12-Jan-2023