Research Publications
Compile consolidated list for full department and not under individual faculty names
- Research Completed in 2022-23 – Title and Conclusion only
Dr. Siddhartha Das has completed Post-mortem utility of Neuron Specific Enolase and S100B for differentiating traumatic brain injury from other causes of death: This study showed that serum S100B and CSF NSE were able to significantly differentiate between TBI and other causes of death. However, CSF S100B was not able to do so. There was a negative correlation between CSF NSE and serum S100B. Serum S100B was a better predictive marker than CSF NSE. There was no relationship between survival time and post-mortem interval.
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has completed an Intramural project titled ‘Predictive Accuracy of Henssge Nomogram and Cooling Curve Method for Death-Interval in Cadavers exposed to Extreme Temperature Variation.’ (JIP/IEC/2019/397, 32000/-). This study deduced Nomogram based regression models for determination of nearly accurate death interval in bodies exposed to ambient temperature >23OC.
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has completed Project titled Comparison of clinic-radiological diagnosis with autopsy findings in fatal traffic accident cases died within a week of hospitalization in a South Indian tertiary care center. (JIP/IEC/2020/429). This project deduced statistically significant disagreement between the Clinicoradiological observations and the actual autopsy findings in traffic accident cases.
Dr.Ambika Prasad Patra has completed Intramural funded project Titled ‘Estimation of death-interval by analysing changes of Sodium, Potassium, Calcium, Chloride and Glucose levels in Cerebrospinal fluid- A study at tertiary care center’ which deduced statistically significant correlation between the death interval and the CSF electrolyte levels and proposed regression models for the south Indian population for accurate estimation of death interval using CSF electrolyte levels.
Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari has completed Predictive accuracy of histopathological profile and immunohistochemical markers for the aging of abrasion: an autopsy-based study. The comparison of the age of abrasion between different histopathological changes and the negative and positive staining groups of both IHC markers CD14 and IL-8 was also found to be statistically significant. The association between histopathological changes and the IHC staining of IL-8 for the age of abrasion was statistically significant. The association between the IHC staining of CD-14 and the age of abrasion was not significantly associated. In a novel approach, our study quantified the association of histopathological changes for the age of abrasion. The histopathological change on microscopical examination w.r.t an unremarkable change or no reaction in an abrasion specimen was studied, and the following histopathological changes showed significant odds ratio for abrasion of age, more than 72 hours when compared to the age of abrasion up to 72 hours: - Predominant mononuclear cell infiltration - The appearance of fibroblast, granulation tissue formation, and collagen deposition. The predictive accuracy of IHC marker CD14 positive staining for the age of abrasion of more than 72 hours showed a sensitivity of 40% and specificity of 71.6%. The predictive accuracy of IHC marker IL8 positive staining for the age of abrasion of more than 72 hours showed a sensitivity of 80.95% and specificity of 52.5%.
Grants obtained
Name of the Faculty | Amount | Period of Grant | Grant Agency |
Dr. Siddhartha Das | Rs. 193000/- | 2021-2023 | Intramural |
Dr. Siddhartha Das | Rs. 200000/- | 2022-2023 | Intramural |
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra | 16,53,330/- | 2022-2023 | ICMR Multicentric project |
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra | 200000/- | 2022-2023 | Intramural |
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra | 50641/- | 2022-2023 | Intramural |
Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra | 111000 | 2022-2023 | Intramural |
Dr Vinod Ashok Chaudhari | Rs. 200000/- | 2020-2022 | Intramural |
Dr Vinod Ashok Chaudhari | Rs. 111000/- | 2022-2024 | Intramural |
Patents applied for / awarded:
- Ambika Prasad Patra has applied for the Copyright and patent registration for the Nomogram based regression models used for development of smartphone and computer applications for instant calculation of postmortem interval and probable death time by the non-medical death investigators like police and forensic scientists.
Publications--Indexed Journals
- Reddy UVUV, Hamide A, Das S, Badhe B. Clinical and laboratory profile and outcome of patients with rodenticide poisoning. J Clin Experimental Hepatol. 2022;12(S2):S48-S49. DOI: 10.1016/j.jceh.2022.07.128.
- Karthi VR, Das S, Sukumar S, Harichandrakumar KT. Stature Estimation from Hand Measurements in South Indian Population. J Ind Acad Forensic Med. 2022;44(2):9-15. doi: 10.5958/0974-0848.2022.00051.3.
- Karthi VR, Das S, Venkatesh J, Sudharson T, Khan A. Carelessness leading to Impalement injury to orbit – an avoidable consequence for motorcyclists. J For Med Sci Law 2022;31(2):89-92.
- Patra AP, Rayamane AP. Excited Delirium Syndrome and Custodial Deaths. COJ Nurse Healthcare 2023;8(3):871-875. Doi:10.31031/COJNH.2023.08. 00068.
- Patra AP, Ashok N, Rayamane AP. Artefacts masquerading the medico-legal findings: Case-Based review. J South Indian Med. Leg. Assoc. 2022;14(1): 54-60.
- Ravi K, Patra AP, Devnath GP, Suresh M. The menace of Anesthetic Agents used for Intentional Self-harm by Healthcare Professionals. Int J Forens Sci 2022;7(2): 000265.doi: 10.23880/IJFSC-16000265
- Ramaswamy N., Patra AP. Sudden death due to the Occupation related Prolonged Seated Immobility Thromboembolism. J For. Sci. Med. Pathol. 2023. Accepted on 18th June 2023.
- Naik RK, Patra AP. Clinical presentation and Renal dysfunction in Supervasmol 33TM poisoning. J Ind. Soc. Toxicolo. 2021;17(1):21-23.doi:10.5958/0973-3566.2021.00005.5
- Patra AP, Shaha KK. Medical Jurisprudence & Clinical Forensic Medicine. Boca Raton, FL : CRC Press, 2023.
- Chaudhari VA, Das S, Sahu SK, Devnath GP, Chandra A. Epidemio‑toxicological profile and reasons for fatal suicidal poisoning: A record‑based study in South India. J Family Med Prim Care.2022;11:547-52.doi: 10.4103/jfmpc.jfmpc_1171_21.
- Chaudhari VA, Jamshid P, Patra AP, Singh R, Das S, Dhodapkar R. Safe Autopsy Practices, Universal Precaution, And Hospital Infection Control To Prevent Infections During The Autopsy. Ind J Applied Res. 2022;12(10). DOI: 10.36106/ijar/1001673.
- Das S, Neithiya T, Nirmal Kumar ES, Chaudhari VA, Srinivas BH. Internet gaming-related sudden death - An autopsy-based case report. J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2022;39(2):130-133.
- Chaudhari VA, Ashok N, Das S, Nisreen AR, Subhashini R. An unusual case of suicidal plastic bag asphyxia with fastening by a scarf around the neck. J Forensic Med Toxicol. 2022;39(2):120-125.
- Chaudhari VA, Mittal C, Srinivas BH, Sundaragiri S. Perforation Peritonitis Due to Obstructed Inguinal Hernia-Case Report. J Punjab Acad Forensic Med Toxicol. 2022;22(1):131-4.
- Mittal C, Chaudhari VA, Ramamoorthi S, Sundaragiri S, Kumaran S. A death due to wild tuber ingestion with literature review. J Indian Acad Forensic Med. 2022;44:S63-6.
- Chaudhari VA, Sathish A, Rekha JS, Ghosh AK, Joseph NM. An unusual case of disseminated tuberculosis following antipsychotic therapy: An autopsy-based case report. J Forensic Med Tox. 2022;39(1):129-32.
Book Chapters/Conference Proceedings:
- Ambika Prasad Patra is contributed Book chapter for the Textbook: Medico-Legal Cases-Different Perspectives from Around the World and monograph title Custodial deaths from Excited Delirium Syndrom, for the publisher Intechopen Ltd., Wales & London, UK.: Dogan KH. Medico-Legal Cases-Different Perspectives from Around the World. In: Patra AP, editor. Custodial deaths from Excited Delirium Syndrom. 1st Ed. London: INTECHOPEN 2022(ongoing contract).
- Ambika Prasad Patra was Invited guest editor for the Editorial commentary Report for American Journal of Case Reports (manuscript #936690): Patra AP. Severe traumatic brain injury in a patient with von Willebrand disease type 2A successfully treated with factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrates [invited editorial comment]. Am J Case Reports, 2022 June
Books Published
- Ambika Prasad Patra is published the first part of his Textbook Series titled ‘Textbook of Medical Jurisprudence & Clinical Forensic Medicine: An Indian Perspective’ for the Publisher Francis & Taylor, CRC Press, UK.
S.No. | Title | Details |
1 | Forensic Medicine & Toxicology Research Document | Download (622.91 KB) |