Departmental administration

  1. Organised conference/ CME/ workshop
    • Organized a Hybrid National CME on “Domestic violence – Health perspective and legal recourse” in the auditorium of JAC building, JIPMER, Puducherry on 8th April 2022 which was attended by 503 delegates. It was awarded 1 credit hour by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
    • Organized a National Workshop on “Embalming and Museum Techniques” along with the department of Anatomy in the mortuary of the Forensic Medicine department, JIPMER, Puducherry on 8th and 9th July 2022. There were around 40 participants including the resource faculties. It was awarded 3 credit hours by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
    • Organized an online National CME on “Unclaimed bodies, organ donation, night autopsy – An update” in JIPMER, Puducherry on 9th September 2022. It was attended by 400 delegates and awarded 1 credit hour by Tamil Nadu Medical Council.
  2. Participation in health camps/ public health awareness/ education programme:
  • Conducted medicolegal orientation program to the health practitioners of the Obstetrics & Gynaecology dept.
  1. Major events in Department:
    • Visiting Professor – NIL
    • New services started
      • Started autopsy services for cases coming under the jurisdiction of 6 police stations of Puducherry vide letter No. 4002/SSP(L&O)-RR/2022 dated 28.11.2022 from Office of Senior Superintendent of Police (L&O) Puducherry.
    • New academic course started.
      • Started monthly rostered Forensic Medicine PG student’s postings in Histopathology vide letter from the Pathology department No. JIP/Path/PG (3)/2022 dated 26.11.2022.
      • Started regular Histology postings/classes for Forensic Medicine PG students in the Anatomy department from October 2022 onwards.

Departmental statistics -– (FROM 1st  APRIL 2023 TO 31st  MARCH 2024)

Statistics for the Year 2022-2023

Autopsy Census

Medico-legal autopsy


Pathological/Clinical autopsy


Organ transplantation autopsies


Autopsy embalming


COVID related dead body management


Clinical Forensic Medicine

Sexual offence cases (Survivor 50, Accused 08, DNA sample collection 09)


Age estimation


Medico-legal certificates (Drunkenness examination)




Administrative Assignments

  1. Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha is the holding the post of professor of examinations of the institute.Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha is the holding the post of Member secretary for JIPMER academic advisory committee, super speciality board of studies and secretary TOLIC. Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha is the Nodal officer for the AIIMS Madurai Project. Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha is the Nodal officer from JIPMER for the INI-CET, NEET (UG) examinations. Dr Kusa Kumar Shaha is Dean In-charge of JIPMER Karaikal.
  2. Siddhartha Daswas elected as Joint Editor of the Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine from 2022-2025. He is an editorial board member of the journal ‘Forensic Medicine and Anatomy research’ and ‘International Journal of forensic medicine and toxicological sciences’. Dr. Siddhartha Das is a member of the institute Undergraduate research monitoring committee. He is a member of the committee to look into POCSO related matters. Dr. Siddhartha Das is a life member of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, South India Medicolegal Association, Indian Society of Toxicology, and Karnataka Medicolegal Society.
  3. Ambika Prasad Patra is Central Public Information Officer under Right to Information Act for the Dept, Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has worked as Dy. Medical Superintendent for hospital & institute block (up to Nov.2022), Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has worked as Dy. Warden (Osler Hostel), Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has worked as resource faculty for the Institute Orientation programs for Interns and Junior Residents, Resource faculty for DM, MCh orientation program [JIPMER Moodle Multiple online orientation course (MOOCs)] for Medicolegal Documentation. - Prevention & Control of Workplace related medicolegal issues and violence, Hostel disciplinary committee member & rostered for duties of COVID prevention in hostel complexes.Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is Committee Member in OT Committee, Fire-safety Core Committee, Internal Complaints Committee member for Sexual Harassment Complaints Committee, Hostel disciplinary committee, Telephone committee, Linen committee, Student welfare committee, JIPMER Public Grievance Committee and Disaster Management Committee. Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is the Nodal officer for Quality Implementation & Monitoring Officer for JQC, Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has worked as External member for Dept. of Dietetics tender calls, JIPMER Website Content monitoring Committee and Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra has been as Executive Committee member of JIPMER Faculty Association 22-23. Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is Ex-editor of The Journal of Indian Society of Toxicology and Editorial Board member for Journals - Archives of Clinical Toxicology, Journal of Forensic Research, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, Indian Journal of Forensic Medicine & Pathology, Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology, International Journal of Forensic Sciences. Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is Joint/Associate/Guest Editor for American Journal of Case Reports, International Journal of Forensic Sciences, Forensic Research & Criminology International Journal, Indian Journal of Forensic & Community Medicine, Journal of Forensic Chemistry and Toxicology (guest-editor). Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is Reviewer for BMC Emergency Medicine (Springer Nature), Human and Experimental Toxicology (SAGE Publishers, UK), Forensic & Legal Medicine (ELSIVIER), Forensic Science International (ELSIVIER), National Medical Journal of India (SAGE publisher), Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine (Scopus indexed), American Journal of Case Reports (Pubmed indexed), Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International, Journal of Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine , Journal of Medical Evidence (Wolters Kluwer), Journal of Biomed Research (Pubmed indexed), Journal of Forensic Science and Medicine (Pubmed indexed), Archives of Clinical Toxicology (Pubmed indexed), National Medical Journal of India (Pubmed indexed). Dr. Ambika Prasad Patra is Textbook Reviewer –Taylor & Francis Ltd, CRC Press, Boca Raton.
  4. Vinod Ashok Chaudhariis National Advisory board member of Journal of Forensic Medicine Science & Law. Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is nominated faculty for issues related to medico-legal cases, autopsies, and mortuary. Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is holding Deputy Warden of Harvey III student hostel. Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is a committee member of JIPMER UG Curriculum committee. Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is also nominated faculty for departmental purchase and library.  Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is member of Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine, UK. Dr. Vinod Ashok Chaudhari is also member of Indian Society of Toxicology, South India medicolegal Association, Indian academy of Forensic Medicine, and Medicolegal Association of Maharashtra.
  5. Naveen. A is the nominated departmental faculty coordinator for the website review committee. He is also the nominated faculty for departmental Biomedical Waste Management related issues. He is also nominated as the departmental nodal officer for the implementation of the Medico Legal Examination and Postmortem Reports [MedLEaPR] software, which is developed by the National Informatics Centre. He is also the faculty in charge of the PG scientific session program. He is also the faculty Coordinator for the Age estimation of athletes for the Sports Authority of India (SAI). Dr Naveen. A is a life member of the Indian Academy of Forensic Medicine, South India Medicolegal Association, Indian Society of Toxicology, and Karnataka Medicolegal Society.


All of the above faculty are members of departmental PGRM committee along with & for the department of Anatomy, JIPMER.

Last Updated :23-Oct-2024