Segregation: The wastes generated is segregated as infectious biological wastes in yellow bags, infectious plastic rubber tube catheter wastes in red bags, sharp items in white translucent puncture proof box, all glass items and metallic implants in blue container and general noninfectious wastes in black-coloured bags for disposal. Segregation is vital role and should be done at generation site.

Collection: If the bag is filled three fourth, it is tied securely and kept in collection place after labelling (include-date, time, block name, place, weight). Separate timings are fixed for collection of biomedical waste. The collected wastes are transported to storage room without spillage in a closed container.

Transportation: The collected waste is transported to Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment facility (CBMWTF), at Thuthipet, Puducherry. To comply with biomedical waste management rules, barcode system and GPS are implemented during transport.

Department activity of the year (2021)

  1. A regular round for inspecting wards on safe Bio-Medical Waste Management practices is done by senior nursing officers (SNOs) block wise. The team is guided by DNS and O/I of Bio-Medical Waste Management.
  2. Regular orientation classes as per the schedule are taken for all the staff providing health care including the Doctors, nursing staff and other supporting staff to create awareness among them to make the programme a grand success.
  3. Number of persons trained at the awareness class Total-61. Details below:
Interns & MBBS Nursing Staff & Students UDS/DRL Total
668 503 508 1,799
  1. Educational video on Bio-Medical Waste Management were made and used for training of all health care workers.
  2. An assessment of awareness on Bio-Medical Waste Management among health care workers is done during regular rounds by the SNOs.
  3. Care is taken to prevent pilferage of bio-medical waste, during transportation from storage area to the CBWTF premises.
  4. Achieved 90% in the practices of safe treatment of waste segregation & management.
  5. Clearance of disposable bags at allotted timings is practiced.
  6. Staff wellness programme- all health care workers vaccinated for tetanus and hepatitis -B immunization and all staff health checkup regularly

During COVID-19 pandemic

  1. JIPMER is following the latest COVID guidelines dated 21.07.2020 issued by the Central Pollution Control Board for handling, Collection, Treatment and disposal of COVID waste generated during treatment/ Diagnosis/Quarantine of COVID-19 Patients.
  2. Double layered bags (using two bags) were used for collection of waste from COVID-19 isolation wards so as to ensure adequate strength and prevent leakages.
  3. Separate dedicated trolleys and collection bins are used in COVID-19 wards and it was labeled as COVID-19 waste
  4. A separate temporary storage room for collection of COVID-19 waste is maintained.
  5. Separate dedicated sanitary workers are posted for collection of COVID-19 waste.
  6. Inner and outer surface of the bins, trolleys and containers that are used for collection of COVID-19 waste are disinfected with 1% Sodium Hypochlorite solution.
  7. A separate register is maintained for COVID-19 waste.
  8. The details of COVID-19 waste are regularly uploaded in central pollution control board website.
Last Updated :17-Mar-2022